
Useful resources relating to Reinforcement Learning


Useful resources relating to Reinforcement Learning

Table of Contents


  • Pathmind AI Wiki: A Beginner's Guide to Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • OpenAI PPO Baselines: Provides short explanation of PPO, with baselines of PPO, PPO2, ACER, and TRPO.
  • Kaparthy RL: Andrej Kaparthy's Thoughts on RL
  • Lil'Log Lilian Weng's Blog, all things RL
  • Hugging Face Illustrating Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)
  • Hugging Face Introducing Decision Transformers on Hugging Face 🤗
  • Deepmind Optimising computer systems with more generalised AI tools


Algorithm Papers or Applications

  • (ICML'15): Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) PDF
  • Solving Large Imperfect Information Games Using (CFR+) PDF
  • MCCFR: Monte Carlo Sampling for Regret Minimization in Extensive Games PDF
  • Pluribus: Superhuman AI for multiplayer poker PDF Meta AI Blog
  • ReBeL: Combining Deep Reinforcement Learning and Search for Imperfect-Information Games arXiv Github
  • AlphaStar: Mastering the real-time strategy game StarCraft II Deepmind Blog
  • Negotiation and honesty in artificial intelligence methods for the board game of Diplomacy Deepmind Blog Nature
  • Mastering Stratego, the classic game of imperfect information Deepmind Blog DeepNash Paper Science Article DeepNash Code


  • Lux AI: Multi-agent RL, unit navigation, resource gathering, macro and micro strategies, multi-variable optimization, resource gathering , and allocation problem

Other Lists

  • MSAIL: Michigan Student Artificial Intelligence Lab