
This skill plays a sound in the given tune. this cn be used to tune instruments.

Primary LanguagePython

Sound tuner

This skill plays a sound in the given note or an sound in the given guitar string.


This skill plays a sound in the given note or an sound in the given guitar string. This can be used to tune a musical instruments.

Mycroft is using the even tempered (aka equal tempered) scale, where an octave is a frequency ratio of exactly two and a semitone is a frequency ratio of exactly the twelfth root of two. In the real world however many different temperaments may be used - see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musical_temperament - and octaves too can vary in size, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stretched_octave.

Also Mycroft call middle C for "C4" : this is the commonest octave numbering but some people call middle C for "C3" or even for "C5".


  • "Gime me an C note"
  • "Give me an guitar Low E string"
  • "Give me an A4 note"
  • "Give me an violin A string"

Mycroft knows the strings on these instruments:

  • guitar
  • mandolin
  • cello
  • viola
  • banjo
  • bass


Andreas Lorensen (@andlo)

Supported Devices

platform_mark1 platform_mark2 platform_picroft platform_plasmoid




#sound #tuner