
My personal nvidia-docker image for chainer and chainerrl

This nvidia docker image is my personal testbed for chainer & chainerrl. I hope this would help somebody.

How to build this image

  • checkout this repo
  • cd $(THIS_REPO)
  • sudo docker build -t my-chainer .

How to use this image

  • cd $(YOUR_PROJECT)
  • sudo nvidia-docker run -v $PWD:/root/app -it my-chainer /bin/bash
    • Now, You are in the container
  • cd /root/app
    • You can see $(YOUR_PROJECT)

For example, if you want to run an example that has example.py, first you need to cd there, then run nvidia-docker, then run python /root/app/example.py.


This image does not support display, so you can not render by OpenGL.