
Erlang client for DynamoDB

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT

DynamoDB client for Erlang

Build Status

Current is an Erlang client for Amazons DynamoDB service. It exposes the raw JSON API described in the DynamoDB documentation, taking input and giving output in terms compatible with jiffy. Current can also retry requests when appropriate, for example when you're throttled due using all your provisioned throughput or using all available socket connections to DynamoDB.

At the moment, current uses the experimental HTTP client party which tries to do away with the single process bottleneck found in lhttpc. Although it's used in production at Game Analytics without any problems found, it might not be ready for prime time just yet.



Fetch and compile all application dependencies:

$ rebar get compile

Example usage:

1> application:ensure_all_started(current).
2> current:connect(<<"http://dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com">>, 2).
3> application:set_env(current, region, <<"us-east-1">>).
4> application:set_env(current, access_key, <<"foo">>).
5> application:set_env(current, secret_access_key, <<"bar">>).

6> GetRequest = {[{<<"TableName">>, <<"current_test_table">>}, {<<"Key">>, {[{<<"hash_key">>, {[{<<"N">>, <<"1">>}]}}, {<<"range_key">>, {[{<<"N">>, <<"1">>}]}}]}}]}.

7> current:get_item(GetRequest).

With the new maps datastructure life will be great.


Current will call functions in the module specified in the callback_mod environment variable. At the moment, you need to implement two functions: request_complete/3 and request_error/3, see src/current_callback.erl.

request_complete(Operation, StartTimestamp, ConsumedCapacity) ->
    statman_histogram:record_value({ddb, Operation}, StartTimestamp),

All calls to DynamoDB will have the ReturnConsumedCapacity value set to TOTAL by default. When DynamoDB returns the ConsumedCapacity, current will forward it to your callback module. Keep in mind that for batch requests it is a list containing capacity for one or more tables.

Configurable HTTP client

You can use either party or lhttpc HTTP client. Both clients favor frequent calls to limited number of endpoints.

ok = application:set_env(current, http_client, lhttpc).

New party raw socket is created and set automatically:

ok = application:set_env(current, http_client, party).
{ok, Socket} = current:open_socket(<<"http://dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com">>,
ok = current:close_socket(Socket, party_socket).

An exiting party raw socket is passed as an option:

current:describe_table({[{<<"TableName">>, <<"current_test_table">>}]},
                                           [{party_socket, Socket}]).

An exiting party raw socket is set using application configuration parameter:

ok = application:set_env(current, party_socket, Socket).


If you provide AWS credentials in priv/aws_credentials.term (see priv/aws_credentials_term.template), you can run the test suite. Tables will be created under your account.

To run all tests use rebar eunit