Wellness While Working From Home

Date: 12/15/2021

By: Doran Smith



This is a website to help you focus on self care and wellness while working from home.

In 2020, many of us were forced to work from home due to COVID-19. As a result, companies are re-evaluating the “future of work”, and remote work will likely become part of our new normal. It is so easy for “working from home” to feel like “living at work”, which makes self-care extremely important.

This site lists yoga poses that are beneficial after sitting at a desk all day, and search functionality to find poses that will target specific body parts. The site also has tips and best practices for focusing on wellness while working from home. You can add to the tips, and also edit and delete!


  1. Mongoose
  2. Express
  3. React
  4. Node

Getting Started

My first step as to create a wire frame on Whimsical, which allowed me to visualize what my app was going to look like. The wireframe helped me to build my component hierarchy diagram (also on Whimsical) and map out which components would need to be created, and how they would all be linked. I then created an entity relationship diagram (ERD) on Lucid to outline the two models that would necessary in my database. The final step before starting to code was to create a Trello board which details all the steps needed on the front end, back end, and eventually styling.






Home Page

Yoga Pose Page

Tip Page

Future Updates

  • Make compatible with phones and tablets
  • Add more yoga poses, descriptions and sequences
  • Enhance search functionality
  • Allow users to select and save yoga poses
  • Add daily meditation using Deep Meditate API
  • Deploy on Heroku


Yoga Images & Descriptions: Work+Money Article

Sanskrit Names: Yogateket Wiki

Self Care Tips: Everyday Health Article

Background Image: Unsplash Search