
A formalization of category theory in Coq for personal study

Primary LanguageCoq

Welcome to the Coq formalization of Edward Kmett's Hask library.

A PDF book documenting this development is here:


HTML documentation is here:

  • What are we trying to accomplish?

Proving that a view of Haskell based on curried bifunctors leads to a unification of many concepts which are presently separate in the common Haskell idiom.

  • Future directions
  • see how we can use univalence to avoid predicative extensionality
  • start using -indices-matter (forces eq to be in Type)
  • use Set Primitive Projects
  • automatic dualization
  • adjunctions
  • limits
  • trivial categories
    • product
    • sum
    • category Two
    • binary products (using limits), C^2
  • category of spans
  • equalizers
  • pullbacks
  • arbitrary products (indexing set does not have to be a number)
  • copowersn
  • dependent products (pi-types, exponentials)
  • ends and co-ends
  • dinatural transformations
  • comma categories
  • Grothendieck through commas
  • setting up limits and colimits in terms of adjoints to the diagonal functor
  • monoidal categories
  • day convolution
  • monoidal functors
  • monads as monoids
  • profunctor composition
  • prearrows as monoids of profunctor composition
  • a generalized tambara module that I use for lens
  • free freyd categories and can freely adjoin
  • 'profunctor strength' to any profunctor
  • model monads and comonads on the category of profunctors
  • since the Tambara construction is a comonad
  • the left adjoint to the construction is a monad
  • ... whose monad algebras are the strong profunctors
  • once we have that we can start talking about the lens plumbing