
CID in rust

Primary LanguageRust


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CID implementation in Rust.

Table of Contents


First add this to your Cargo.toml

cid = "*"
multihash = "0.10"

Then run cargo build.


use cid::{Cid, Codec, Version};
use multihash::Sha2_256;
use std::convert::TryFrom;

fn main() {
    let h = Sha2_256::digest(b"beep boop");

    let cid = Cid::new(Version::V1, Codec::DagProtobuf, h).unwrap();

    let data = cid.to_bytes();
    let out = Cid::try_from(data).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(cid, out);

    let cid_string = cid.to_string();
    /// bafybeieq5jui4j25lacwomsqgjeswwl3y5zcdrresptwgmfylxo2depppq


Captain: @dignifiedquire.


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MIT © 2017 Friedel Ziegelmayer