
Simple Flask application continuously delivered using AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Primary LanguageMakefile

Python application

Scaffold for Python Project with Continuous Intregation

This is a project scaffold for Python Project with Continuous Intregation.

Step by step to recreate this repo

Setting up the enviroment

  • Configure ssh key in your enviroment (AWS, GCP, Azure) shell:

    1. generate ssh key with ssh-keygen -t rsa and enter enter enter
    2. print the public key cat path/to/public/key and copy it
    3. go to github.com -> setting -> ssh -> add ssh key -> paste your public key -> save it
  • Configure git name and email

    1. git config --global user.name "name"
    2. git config --global user.email "email@email.com"
  • Create a Python virtual enviroment:

    1. Go to your home cd ~/
    2. Crete the virtual enviroment with python3 -m venv ~/.<YOUR_REPO_NAME>
    3. Activate the virtual enviroment with source .<YOUR_REPO_NAME/bin/activate

Setting up the repository

  1. Create a github repository with name, description, add readme, add .gitignore for python project

  2. Go to the new repository page, click Code, click SSH and copy the SSH url

  3. In your enviroment shell, clone the repository locally with git clone <PASTE_SSH_URL>

  4. Create Makefile with build instructions: touch Makefile and write it (look at this Makefile for inspiration)

  5. Create requirements.txt: touch requirements.txt and write it (look at this requirements.txt for inspiration)

  6. Write your python code: *.py files

  7. Write tests for your code: test_*.py

  8. Run your Makefile instruction locally: make [Makefilecommand] (for example make all)

  9. Save and publish your work: git add .*, git commit -m "message" and git push

Creating a Github Action

  1. In the repository page, go to Actions
  2. Click on New workflow
  3. write the workflow as this main.yml
  4. Commit your changes
  5. Your should see the Action running in the Actions page.
  6. Optionally, to see the status of the action in your repository first page: add a badge to the README.md file by going to your repository's Actions page, select your workflow in the left side, click in the three dots in the right side, select Create status badge and copy the text. Then edit the README.md, paste the text there and commit changes.

Duplicating this repository

Duplicating this repository