CoDeSys MQTT library Overview

The purpose of this library is to publish PLC variables to an MQTT Broker. Suitable for industrial IoT Solutions.
The library is compatible with PLCs based on CoDeSys V3 and already used in industrial applications. One single Function block is necessary, programmed in IEC61131 code. Documentation is integrated in the library.


  • MQTT protocol Version 3.1.1
  • Publish either to a local MQTT-Broker or a public MQTT-Broker
  • Subscribe to a Topic
  • Well documented IEC61131 library
  • supports QoS0 (At-most-once)
  • Optional auto reconnect
  • Optional User and Password authentication
  • Last will and Testament

Function block: FB_MQTTClient
Library: MQTT_Client.library
Namespace: MQTT_Client

Name Datatype Initial Value Comment
i_xEnable BOOL TRUE Enables the Function block. The rising Edge of this Input automatically connects to the MQTT-Broker
i_sBrokerAddress STRING '' IP-Address (example: or Webaddress ( of the MQTT-Broker
i_uiPort UINT 1883 Port of the MQTT-Broker
i_sUsername STRING '' Optional Username if required - Only change initial value if required
i_sPassword STRING '' Optional Password if required - Only change initial value if required
i_sWillTopic STRING '' Optional Topic the Will Message will be published to- leave untouched if not required
i_sWillMessage STRING '' Optional Will Message - leave untouched if not required
i_sWillRetain STRING FALSE Retain Last Will Message, if required Standard: FALSE - otherwise leave untouched
i_xAutoReconnect BOOL TRUE Automatically try to reconnect after an Exception
i_sPayload STRING 'Hello MQTT-Broker from CoDeSys' Payload to Publish
i_sTopicPublish STRING 'CoDeSys' Topic to publish to
i_sTopicSubscribe STRING 'CoDeSys' Subscribtion Topic
i_xRetain BOOL TRUE Retain Flag
i_xPublish BOOL FALSE Publish the Payload to the Topic of the MQTT-Broker
i_xSubscribe BOOL FALSE Subscribe to the Topic given in i_sTopicSubscribe
i_sClientID STRING 12345678 Sets a custom Client ID, leave at default for Automatik
q_stLastReceivedMessage STRING Message Received from a Topic
q_stLastReceivedMessageTopic STRING Topic Last received Message
q_arsLastReceivedMessages ARRAY [0..24] of STRING Last 25 Received Messages
q_arsLastReceivedMessagesTopic ARRAY [0..24] of STRING Last 25 Received Topics
q_xReceivedMessageNotification BOOL Message Received Notification
q_sDiagMsg STRING Diag Message - Current State
q_udiState UDINT Current state of the Function block
q_xError BOOL Error Flag - The Exception will be acknowledged with a rising edge at 'i_xEnable'

Function block state (output 'q_udiState'):

0: Wait for Enable (Rising Edge)
5: Create Socket
10: Connect to TCP-Server
15: Initialize Out-Buffer
20: Send Connect to the MQTT-Broker
30: Wait for CONNACK from MQTT-Broker
40: Analyze CONNACK
60: Wait for Publish (Goto 70) or Subscribe (Goto 65) or Disconnect (Enable low) (Goto 80)
63: Analyze Publish Message from Broker
65: Subscribe to Topic'
66: Wait for SUBACK from Broker
67: Analyze SUBACK
70: Publish Message (Goto to 60)
80: Send Disconnect
90: Disconnect Socket

Possible Diag Messages (output 'q_sDiagMsg')

  • Wait for Enable
  • Create Socket
  • Connect to TCP-Server
  • Initialize Out-Buffer
  • Connect to MQTT-Broker
  • Wait for Connack from Broker
  • Analyze connack
  • Wait for Publish or Subscribe or Disconnect (Enable low)
  • Analyze Publish Message from Broker
  • Subscribe to Topic
  • Wait for SUBACK from Broker
  • Analyze SUBACK
  • Publish Message
  • Send Disconnect notification to server
  • Close TCP Socket


  • Creating Socket Timed Out
  • Connecting to TCP-Server Timed out
  • Connecting to MQTT-Broker (MQTT Control Packet) Timed out
  • Waiting for "Connack" from MQTT-Broker Timed out
  • Connection Refused, unacceptable protocol version
  • Connection Refused, identifier rejected
  • Connection Refused, Server unavailable
  • Connection Refused, bad Username or password
  • Connection Refused, not autorized
  • Publishing Message (MQTT Control Packet) Timed out
  • Sending Disconnect to MQTT-Broker Timed out
  • Closing TCP-Socket Timed out
  • Suback Message reported Failure (Return code 0x80)
  • Waiting for "Suback" from MQTT-Broker Timed out
  • Subscribe (MQTT Control Packet) Timed out