
JobPortalBE with microservices

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

JobPortal Monorepo




  • JobPortalUI: Angular web application, user interface
  • JobPortalService: An aggregator microservice. Handles the communication with all other microservices. Its goal is to hide the complexity of the microservice architecture from the UI
  • UserManagementService: Handles User registration, sign in, approvals.
  • PostingsService: Handles operations relating to Postings (CRUD, apply).
  • EventLoggingService: Gets events from UserMangementService and PostingsService via a RabbitMQ Queue. Saves the Events to a MongoDB Database.
  • StatisticsService: Can query each type of Event. Handles business logic for aggregating the events and extracting statistics from them.

UserManagementService and PostingService uses the same Database, but they use different schemas.




Running the project

Compile deps:

  mix do deps.get, deps.compile, compile

Run project:

mix run --no-halt


docker run -p 27017:27017 -d --name mongodb mongo


docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

You will need to create an exchange with two bindings and a queue in order for the application to work with rabbitmq. You may do that via the rabbitmq management UI or by simply running the following python script:


If the script gives an error, then you should verify if the USER and PASSWORD fields conform to your local rabbitmq installation.

Exchange name:

  • logging

Queue name:

  • user_management


  • jobportal.postings.*.events -> user_management via logging
  • jobportal.user.*.events -> user_management via logging


curl -v -X POST localhost:4000/users/login?username="user"&email="email"&password="password"&id=2

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"email@gmail.com", "password":"password"}' localhost:4000/users/login
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"email@gmail.com", "password":"password"}' localhost:4000/users/logout

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"email@gmail.com", "password":"password", "id":"1", "username":"user"}' localhost:4000/users/register

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImVtYWlsQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTYyMDY4NDgzOCwiaWF0IjoxNjIwNjgxMjM4LCJhdWQiOiJKb2tlbiIsImV4cCI6MTYyMDY4ODQzOCwiaWF0IjoxNjIwNjgxMjM4LCJpc3MiOiJKb2tlbiIsImp0aSI6IjJwdXQxdnZoZG5yNDE4bmM4czAwMDBmMSIsIm5iZiI6MTYyMDY4MTIzOH0.Pu49NXsselRnUQaCeHOgHnaFi1G7p28n2DwacTgvEuM' localhost:4000/users

Some test data

use users
db.user.insert({"created_at" : 1621715109, "email" : "admin@ntt.data.com", "firstname" : "Admin", "id" : "af711ff0-bb26-11eb-902a-708bcd51d01d", "lastname" : "Doe", "password" : "$pbkdf2-sha512$160000$5WM8kM3OFdzbe7I5G1nItQ$pnAlSCEwIz2UdfBdfWQFHf3r3biPVeiqYDZRFi1qKPz23pt2rzouAHsNTYT5NTyL7Um9URIFVBpcdUiTLECYNw", "role" : "2", "updated_at" : 1621715109 })
db.company.insert({name: "NTT Data", admin: "af711ff0-bb26-11eb-902a-708bcd51d01d"})
db.company_employee.insert({company_name: "NTT Data", user_id: "af711ff0-bb26-11eb-902a-708bcd51d01d"})

db.user.insert({"created_at" : 1621715109, "email" : "admin@msg.com", "firstname" : "Admin", "id" : "af711ff0-bb26-11eb-902a-708bcd51d01e", "lastname" : "Doe", "password" : "$pbkdf2-sha512$160000$5WM8kM3OFdzbe7I5G1nItQ$pnAlSCEwIz2UdfBdfWQFHf3r3biPVeiqYDZRFi1qKPz23pt2rzouAHsNTYT5NTyL7Um9URIFVBpcdUiTLECYNw", "role" : "2", "updated_at" : 1621715109 })
db.company.insert({name: "msg", admin: "af711ff0-bb26-11eb-902a-708bcd51d01e"})
db.company_employee.insert({company_name: "msg", user_id: "af711ff0-bb26-11eb-902a-708bcd51d01e"})

use postings
db.categories.insert({"created_at" : 1621715109, "uuid" : "b4e96d9c-c121-11eb-8529-0242ac130003", "name" : "IT", "updated_at" : 1621715109 })
db.categories.insert({"created_at" : 1621715109, "uuid" : "b4e96d9c-c121-11eb-8529-0242ac130004", "name" : "HR", "updated_at" : 1621715109 })


  • register as employee
  • log in as employee
  • send request to become employer
  • log in as admin
  • query requests
  • approve with admin: 8d41b900-bd9a-11eb-8ef8-708bcd51d01d



  • skaffold
  • helm
  • kubernetes cluster
  • docker-desktop
# Deploy rabbitmq and mongodb. Mongodb has an initDbScript which inserts some test data (two companies and two users)
skaffold run -m infra

# Run script for setting up rabbitmq (create exchange, queue, bindings)

skaffold run -m user-management

skaffold run -m events-management


az login
az aks get-credentials --resource-group jobportal --name jobportal
skaffold run -m infra
kubectl port-forward rabbitmq-0 5672:5672

cd userManagementService
az acr build --image user-management-service:v1 --registry jobportal --file Dockerfile .
helm install user-management-service charts/
cd ..

cd jobsPortalService
az acr build --image jobportal-service:v2 --registry jobportal --file Dockerfile .
helm install jobportal-service charts/
cd ..

cd eventLoggingService
az acr build --image event-management-service:v1 --registry jobportal --file Dockerfile .
helm install event-management-service charts/
cd ..

cd postingsService
az acr build --image posting-management-service:v1 --registry jobportal --file Dockerfile . 
helm install posting-management-service charts/
cd ..

cd statisticsService
az acr build --image statistics-service:v1 --registry jobportal --file Dockerfile . 
helm install statistics-service charts/
cd ..

Stop AKS cluster:

az aks stop --name jobportal --resource-group jobportal

Start AKS cluster:

az aks start --name jobportal --resource-group jobportal

Kubectl cheat sheet

kubectl get pods
kubectl logs <pod_name>
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- sh
kubectl describe node
kubectl port-forward <pod_name> <host_port>:<container_port>