
quicker doubly-linked list

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Build Status Coverage Status

Quicker doubly-linked list.

Items are kept on a circular linked list, with the list itself being the terminal node.

qdlist exposes its internal linked list manipulation functions to help build other fast data structures.

API - List operations

qdlist( )

Construct a new empty list. Can be called either as a function or as a constructor with new qdlist().

const qdlist = require('qdlist');
const list = qdlist();

// => [ 2, 3, 1 ]

qdlist.fromArray( array )

Construct a new list initialized to the contents of the array. This is a convenience function implemented as qdlist().fromArray(array).

unshift( value ), push( value )

Append a new value to the head / tail of the list, respectively. Returns the node that contains the value. The returned node has properties prev, next, value containing the call argument and value2 with initial contents not specified.

Note that push / unshift / head / tail return nodes, but shift / pop return values.

unshift2( value, value2 ), push2( value, value2 )

Add a new pair of items to the head / tail of the list, respectively. Returns the node that contains the item with properties node.value set to value and node.value2 set to value2.

shift( ), pop( )

Remove and return the first / last value on the list. Returns undefined if the list is empty. If necessary, use isEmpty to distinguish the undefined value from an empty list.

isEmpty( )

Returns boolean true if the list is empty, else false.

toArray( [limit] )

Return up to limit values from the list, in list order. The default limit is Infinity, return all values. Useful for testing or inspection.

l.toArray();        // => [1, 2]

fromArray( array [,append] )

Set the linked-list contents from the array. If append is truthy the values are appended to the list, else the existing list contents are replaced with the values from the array.

reverse( )

Reorder the nodes on the list so that the old tail becomes the first element and the old head becomes the last. reverse is fairly efficient, it does not create objects just rearranges the linkages.

API - Node Operations

Linkage is via nodes with properties prev and next that point to the previous and next nodes on the list, respectively. The list is circular, the list itself connecting the first node to the last: prev of the first node and next of the last node point to the list. A node on the list has node.next set, when unlinked node.next is cleared.

    |List:  |
    | .prev |-------------------------------------------+
    |       |                                           V
    |       |     +-------+     +-------+            +-------+
    |       |     |node1: |     |node2: |    ...     |nodeN: |
    |       |<----| .prev |<----| .prev |<-----------| .prev |
+-->| .next |---->| .next |---->| .next |----------->| .next |--+
|   +-------+     +-------+     +-------+            +-------+  |

Node: {
    prev: null,
    next: null,
    // value
    // value2

unlink( node )

Remove the node from the list it's on. Returns the node with .next cleared. Has no effect if the node is not on a list.

linkin( node, previous )

Insert node into the list to follow previous. If the node is still on a list (.next not falsy) it will be unlinked first.

head( ), tail( )

Return the first / last node on the list, or undefined if the list is empty.

moveToHead( node ), moveToTail( node )

Move the given node to the head / tail of the list. These are just convenience functions that call linkin().

findAtPosition( nth )

Return the node at position nth in the list. Positions are numbered from 0. Returns null if there is no nth node.

Unlike the other linked list operations that are O(1), findAtPosition walks the list and runs in O(n) time.

findPrevious( nth )

Return the node whose .next points to the nth node on the list. Returns the list itself as preceding the 0-th node, and the tail node as preceding all nth past the end of the list. This is a convenience function using findAtPosition.

moveToPosition( node, nth )

Insert the given node to be the nth item on the list. If there is no nth position, it will place the node as close as possible to nth, ie at the head or tail. This is a convenience function around findPrevious() and linkin().

Note that when moving a node on the same list, the node is unlinked before finding the previous to nth, ie the positions are numbered without including the node being moved. This alaways leaves the node in position n, but not always with the the expected previous and next neighboring nodes. For example, moving node A to position 2 in [0:A, B, 2:C, D] will result in [0:B, C, A, D].

// place the node at the nth position in the list
list.linkin(list.unlink(node), list.findPrevious(nth));

forEach( handler(node) )

Call the handler with each node on the list, in list order. The values are accessible as node.value and node.value2.

The nodes on the list are also iterable with for..of.


  • 0.12.1 - fix moveToTail/moveToHead of last/first element
  • 0.12.0 - support for..of iteration, qdlist.fromArray factory
  • 0.11.0 - expose linkin() method, new findAtPosition, findPrevious and moveToPosition methods
  • 0.10.3 - speed up by simplifying node layout
  • 0.10.2 - faster pop, shift
  • 0.10.1 - faster toArray
  • 0.10.0 - fromArray method, reverse method
  • 0.9.0 - first release version
  • 0.0.1 - first working version


  • toArray offset,limit options

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