
handy js polyfills

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Quick Itty-Bitty Library.

A miscellaneous collection of small functions and polyfills I wrote that that looked useful or interesting. Most are pretty efficient, often faster than alternatives. Tested to work with node v0.6 through v18.

Use this package directly as a dependency, or as a library of cut-and-paste functions, or as a source of ideas and implementation approaches. This package has no external dependencies nor a dependency on any particular javascript version. All functions should work with nodejs 0.6 and above. If found useful, would appreciate a comment by the function giving qibl credit.

Use as a dependency:

var qibl = require('qibl');
qibl.difftree(node1, node2);

Use as a cut-and-paste library:

// adapted from qibl@1.12.1
function difftree(node1, node2) { ... }

To run the tests, check out the repo.




qibl.isHash( object )

Test whether the object is a generic hash {} ie new Object() and return true, else false if is an instance of some class. Tests the object constructor.

qibl.isMethodContext( _this )

Test whether the given _this is from a global (function call) context or a method call context. Method calls have a this object that is not null, not global and not qibl.

qibl.assignTo( target, src1, ... )

Assign all enumerable own properties of the sources src onto target, and return target. Also available as copyObject and assign. Equivalent to Object.assign.

// qibl.assignTo({ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 });
// => { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

qibl.mergeTo( target, src1, ... )

Recursively copy all properties of the source objects, including inherited properties, onto the target object. All nested hashes are copied onto a new hash {} so the target will not share any sub-object with any of the sources. Arrays and non-hash objects (ie instances of classes other than Object) are assigned by value. Returns the target.

qibl.getProperty( [target,] dottedName [,defaultValue] )

Retrieve the value of the named property of the target object. Dots . in the property name are interpreted as referring to nested sub-objects or sub-sub-objects etc. Returns the named value, else either defaultValue if provided or undefined if not.

var obj = { a: { b: 1 } }

qibl.getProperty(obj, 'a')          // => { b: 1 }
qibl.getProperty(obj, 'a.b')        // => 1
qibl.getProperty(obj, 'a.c')        // => undefined

qibl.getProperty(obj, 'a.b', 3)     // => 1
qibl.getProperty(obj, 'a.c', 3)     // => 3

As a special case, if target is omitted and getProperty is invoked as a method off an object other than qibl, it will look up values on that instance.

var obj = { a: { b: 1 } }
obj.get = qibl.getProperty;

obj.get('a')                        // { b: 1 }
obj.get('a.b')                      // 1

qibl.compileGetProperty( dottedName )

Build a dedicated function to retrieve the named property of the objects passed to it, or undefined if the property or any of its ancestors are not set. The property name must be a valid javascript dotted property path.

var obj1 = { a: { b: 1 } }
var obj2 = { a: { b: { c: 2 } } }

var get = qibl.compileGetProperty('a.b');
get(obj1)                           // 1
get(obj2)                           // { c: 2 }

qibl.getProp( target, dottedName [,defaultValue] )

A 5 times faster compiled version of getProperty. The first call compiles a dedicated property getter to look up dottedName, subsequent calls reuse the getter.


  • getProp.maxCount - capacity limit on the built-in getter function cache. Default is 10,000. Looping over more than 10k different dotted names might bust the cache.
  • getProp.clearCache() - empty the getter cache, discard all getter functions.

qibl.setProperty( [target,] dottedName, value )

Set a nested property by dotted name. Dots . in the name imply nested objects, which will be traversed or created until the actual target is reached. Returns the target object.

var obj = {}

qibl.setProperty(obj, 'a', 1)       // { a: 1 }
qibl.setProprety(obj, 'a.b', 2)     // { a: { b: 2 } }
qibl.setProperty(obj, 'c')          // { a: { b: 2 }, c: undefined }

As a special case, if target is omitted and setProperty is invoked as a method off an object other than qibl, it will set properties on that instance.

var obj = { a: 1 }
obj.set = qibl.setProperty

obj.set('a.b', 1)                   // { a: { b: 1 } }
obj.set('b', 2)                     // { a: { b: 1 }, b: 2 }
obj                                 // { a: { b: 1 }, b: 2 }

qibl.getLastDefined( val1, val2, ... )

Return the last defined argument. An argument is defined if it is not null or undefined. Useful counterpart to a value-OR chain a || b || c that return the first set value (works only for non-falsy values, but often that's enough).

const defaultValue = 'default';
const previousValue = undefined;
const newValue = 'new';

qibl.getLastDefined(defaultValue, previousValue);
// => 'default'

const value = qibl.getLastDefined(defaultValue, previousValue, newValue);
// => 'new'

qibl.inherits( Derived, Base )

Arrange for the Derived class to inherit class and instance methods and properties from the Base class, including inherited properties. Equivalent to util.inherits.

Note that static class methods and constructor properties are not inherited with util.inherits, but are with class ... extends and with qibl.inherits.

qibl.derive( className, parent, [,prototype] [,constructor] )

Create a derived class from the parent. Returns the constructor. The new class constructor's name will be className, the default constructor will call the parent on this with the received constructor arguments.

If an optional prototype object is provided, its properties will be added to the inheritable properties of the derived class.

If an optional constructor function is provided, the default constructor will call constructor instead of parent to initialize the new instance. constructor must call parent.call(this, ...args) to initialize the superclass as needed. Constructors need to be function functions, not () => arrow functions.

function Foo() {}
Foo.prototype.a = 1;

const Bar = qibl.derive('Bar', Foo, { b: 2 });

let b = new Bar();
console.log(b)      // => "Bar {}"
b instanceof Foo    // => true
Object.keys(b)      // => []
b.a                 // => 1
b.b                 // => 2

qibl.reparent( object, Constructor [,prototype] )

Force object to be instanceof Constructor and inherit from prototype or from Constructor.prototype if no prototype object provided. This is just a type and inheritance adjustment, object will not have the internal contents of a true Constructor instance. Returns object.

Similar to inherits(), but reparent() adjusts objects while inherits() adjusts constructors.

qibl.toStruct( hash )

Convert the object from hashed accesses to an optimized mapped accesses analogous to C structs. This exposes a hidden internal language detail: V8 optimizes objects with a static layout for more efficient access.

Accessing an object can over time result in it being optimized for mapped lookups or optimized for hashed lookups, but making an object into a prototype forces an immediate conversion to mapped lookups. To retain the speedup, do not add or delete properties.

qibl.selectField( arrayOfObjects, propertyName )

Return an array with the values of the named property from each object in the input array. The value is undefined if the property is not set.

function selectField( array, name ) {
    return array.map((item) => item[name]);

qibl.mapById( objects, idName [,target] )

Map the objects by a property value. The property can be any property, not just id. Returns a hash mapping each value to the first object whose idName is set to that value. Null and undefined objects are skipped. Objects that do not have that property are skipped. Id values should be strings or numbers. Returns the target object, which is {} by default.

var items = [{ id: 'a', v: 1 }, { id: 'b' }, { id: 'a', v: 2 }, { v: 3 }];
qibl.mapById(items, 'id')
// => { a: {id: 'a'}, b: {id: 'b'} }

qibl.groupById( objects, idName [,target] )

Similar to mapById, but group the objects by property value into arrays. The property can be any property, not just id. Objects that do not have the idName property set are omitted. Returns a mapping of ids to lists of objects set on the target object, {} by default.

var items = [{ id: 'a', v: 1 }, { id: 'b' }, { id: 'a', v: 2 }, { v: 3 }];
qibl.mapById(items, 'id')
// => { a: [{id: 'a', v: 1}, {id: 'a', v: 2}], b: [{id: 'b'}] }

qibl.groupBy( items, getKey(item) [,target = {}] )

Group the items by their getKey value. Returns the target hash with arrays of items attached, each array indexed by its key value.

qibl.makeIterator( step(state, object, result) [,makeState(object)] )

Construct an iterator that uses the step next-element function to traverse the object. Step is passed the current state, the item being iterated, and the result to hold the value and done return values. Note that step is invoked as a method on result, ie inside the step function result === this.

makeState is an optional function that builds and initializes the iterator state. It is passed the object being iterated. The default state is an empty object {}.

Note that the returned iterator must be invoked as a method call on the iterated object to bind the object to the iterator state.

var arr = [1, 2, 3];
var iterator = qibl.makeIterator(
    function(state, arr, result) {
        result.done = state.ix >= state.len;
        result.value = arr[state.ix++];
    function(arr) {
        return { len: arr.length, ix: 0 };
qibl.setIterator(arr, iterator);

assert.equal(iterator, arr[Symbol.iterator]);
assert.notEqual([...arr], arr);
assert.deepEqual([...arr], arr);

qibl.setIterator( obj, iterator )

Node-version safe way to attach an iterator to an object / prototype. Assigns the obj[Symbol.iterator] property if the nodejs version defines Symbol, else sets obj._iterator.

qibl.getIterator( obj )

Node-version safe way to retrieve the iterator of an object. Returns obj[Symbol.iterator] if the nodejs version defines Symbol, else returns obj._iterator.

Note that the returned function is no longer bound to its object instance. To invoke it must be bound again, as when applied to the object e.g. qibl.getIterator(obj).call(obj).

qibl.keys( object)

Return an array with the names of the own properties of the object. Same as Object.keys, present for symmetry with values().

qibl.values( object )

Return an array with the own properties of the object. Equivalent to Object.values.

qibl.entries( object )

Return an array of key-value pairs of the own properties of the object. Equivalent to Object.entries.

qibl.fromEntries( target, keyvals )

Return target annotated with the properties specified by the entries. The entries is an array of key-value properties as returned by Object.entries(). Equivalent to Object.fromEntries.

qibl.pairTo( target, keys, values )

Set all keys in turn as properties on target having the corresponding values from values. If a key does not have a maching value, it is set to undefined. If there are more values than keys, the excess are ignored. Returns target.

qibl.flipTo( target, hash )

Flip the hash, changing all values to keys and the keys to values. Works for values that are strings and numbers, not for objects or arrays. Merges the flipped value-key pairs onto target, and returns target.

var flipped = qibl.flipTo({ a: 1 }, { b: 2, c: 'three' });
// => { a: 1, '2': 'b', three: 'c' }

qibl.extractTo( target, source, mask )

Assign to target properties of source that are set in mask. A mask property set to undefined is treated as unset. Assigns undefined if the property is not set on source. The assignment is recursive, nested properties are assigned under the control of the same-named nested properties in the mask. Returns the target.

qibl.extractTo({ a:1 }, { a:111, b:222, c:333 }, { b: undefined, c: null, d: 4 });
// => { a: 1, c: 333, d: undefined }

qibl.extractTo({ a: { b:2, c:3 } }, { a: { c:333, d:444 } }, { a: { c: 'yes' } });
// => { a: { b:2, c:333 } }

qibl.extractNotTo( target, source, mask )

Assign to target all properties of source except those that are set in mask. A mask property of undefined is treated as unset, and causes the corresponding source property to be transferred. Assigns properties recursively, controlled by nested properties in the mask. Returns the target.

qibl.extractNotTo({ a:1, b:2 }, { a:111, b:222 }, { a: true });
// => { a:1, b:222 }

// populate dst with defaults like lodash.defaults:
function defaults(dst, src, mask) {
    return qibl.extractNotTo(dst, src, dst);
defaults({ a:1 }, {a:1, b:2, c:3});
// => { a:1, b:2, c:3 }
defaults({ a:1, b:{c:3}}, {a:111, b:{c:333, d:444}});
// => { a:1, b:{ c:3, d:444 } }

qibl.populate( target, val [,options ] )

Similar to fill(), but can can fill with computed values and can also populate objects. If val is a function the target will be filled with the return values of val(i) when called with the property names or offsets being set. Returns the target being populated.


  • base: if filling an array, the starting address to fill from. Default 0.
  • bound: if filling an array, the limiting address to fill up to. Default target.length.
  • keys: if filling an object, which propreties to set. Default Object.keys(target), all own properties.


// generate 10 random numbers
var rands = qibl.populate(new Array(10), Math.random);

// function to generate the range [0..limit]
var range = (limit) => qibl.populate(new Array(limit), (i) => i);

// initialize properties a and c to 'a' and 'c', respectively
var obj = { a: 1, b: 2 }
qibl.populate(obj, (k) => k, { keys: ['a', 'c'] });
// => { a: 'a', b: 2, c: 'c' }

qibl.omitUndefined( objectOrArray )

Copy the object or array but omit properties that are undefined. null and other falsy properties are preserved in the output. Returns a new object or array with undefined elements removed. Copies all enumerable properties, both own and inherited.

This can be a handy way of garbage collecting objects {} that are used to cache values that on expiration are set to undefined instead of being deleted. (It can be much faster to set to undefined than to delete.)

forEachProperty( hash, visitor(value, key, hash) )

Visit all enumerable properties of the hash, passing the property value, property name and the hash itself to the visitor function. Iterates arrays and Buffers, but not strings. For arrays and Buffers, annotated properties included in Object.keys are visited in addition to the numeric indexes.

hashToMap( hash [,map] )

Convert the iterable hash into a qibl.Hashmap (which is a Map if supported, else a minimal polyfill). If map is provided the converted properties are set on the existing map. Returns the updated map. All iterables are converted, including strings, arrays and Buffers; caller beware.

qibl.hashToMap({ a: 1, b: 2 });
// => Map(2) { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 }

mapToHash( map [,hash] )

Convert the Map or qibl.Hashmap map to a hash. All keys should be strings. If hash is provided the converted properties are added to the existing hash. Returns the updated hash.

qibl.mapToHash(new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2]]);
// => { a: 1, b: 2 }


qibl.str_repeat( str, n )

Repeat the string value str n times. N should be non-negative, else node will run out of memory. Uses an efficient O(log n) string doubling approach. Returns the repeated string. Equivalent to String.prototype.repeat.

qibl.str_truncate( str, limit [,options] )

Shorten the string to not exceed limit characters by removing characters from the end. The truncated portion is replaced with ... or the provided options.ellipsis.


  • delta - allow the string to exceed limit by a few characters. Default 0.
  • ellipsis - replacement for the truncated part of the string. Default ....

qibl.str_random( n )

Generate a random text exactly n characters long. Uses the characters a-z and space ' ' with a frequency distribution similar to that of the qibl.js source file.

qibl.str_random(20)         // => 'etnq ss q t ae kmunl'

qibl.str_locate( str, substr, handler(arg, offset), arg )

Locate all substrings substr in the string str, and call `handler(arg) with their offsets.

qibl.str_count( str, substr [,limit] )

Return the count of occurrences of the substring within the string str. If limit is provided and greater than zero, stop counting once limit occurrences have been found. A zero-length substring will never be found and returns 0 zero.

qibl.str_reverse( str )

Construct a new string composed of the the characters of str in reverse order.

// => "olleh"

qibl.startsWith( str, substr )

Return true if substr is a prefix of the string str. Equivalent to String.prototype.startsWith.

qibl.endsWith( str, substr )

Return true if substr is a suffix of the string str. Equivalent to String.prototype.endsWith.

qibl.stringBound( str, boundStr, offset [,escapeChar] )

Locate the end of the substring of str between offset the first occurrence of strBound. Similar to indexOf, except returns the end of string if the bound is not found, and supports escaping characters (including valid surrage pairs) to not have them be considered part of the bound.

Find the end of the substring in str starting at offset and delimited by the closing boundStr. Similar to indexOf but if an escape character esc is specified, then characters preceded by esc are skipped (including valid surrogate pairs). If the boundStr is not present, returns the end of the string. The bound may be any substring, but the escape character must be a single character.

qibl.stringBound('{"age":123}', '}', 1);   // => 10
qibl.stringBound('{"age":123}', '"', 2);   // => 5
qibl.stringBound('{"age":123}', '"', 1);   // => 1
qibl.stringBound('{"age":123}', 'XX', 0);  // => 11

qibl.isSurrogatePair( str, offset )

Test whether the string str contains a UTF-8 surrogate pair at the offset. A surrogate pair is two utf8 characters where the first, the high surrogate, is in the range [\uD800-\uDBFF] and the second, the low surrogate, is in the range [\uDC00-\uDFFF].

qibl.isSurrogatePair("abc\uD800\uDC00", 3);  // => true

qibl.ansiColor( name )

Return a string with the ANSI escape sequence that, when written to the console or sent to an ANSI-compatible terminal, will switch the foreground color to the named color. The special name off turns off color mode back to the default.

The color names are the standard ANSI names for the three primary and three secondary additive colors, all-lowercase no spaces: the dark shades black (true black), red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white (a light gray), and brightblack (a dark gray), brightred, brightgreen, brightyellow, brightblue, brightmagenta, brightbrightcyan, brightwhite (true white).

Two aliases, gray and brightgray, and some additional colors are provided, orange, brown and teal. The non-ANSI colors are encoded as 24-bit color sequences which may not be supported by all ANSI terminals.

Caution: the ANSI white is actually a light gray; true white is brightwhite. The actual colors rendered depend on the terminal, since the color values associated with the names vary. The below are the VGA colors, composed out of the additive primaries at 0 and 2/3 (light), and 1/3 and full (bright) intensity levels:

|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7| |black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white| |brightblack|brightred|brightgreen|brightyellow|brightblue|brightmagenta|brightcyan|brightwhite|

|gray (= brightblack)|brightgray (= white)|orange #FFAA00|brown #AA5500|teal #005555|

qibl.strtok( str, sep )

Separate the string str into parts delimited by the separator sep. When called with a non-null string, it returns the first delimited token contained in the string. When called with a null string it returns the second, third, etc tokens. The separator must be provided each time, and may change between calls.

NOTE: this function is not reentrant, a second call with a non-null string will overwrite the previous state. It behaves like the C strtok() library function.

var str = "http://example.com/path/name";
qibl.strtok(str, '://');
// => 'http'
qibl.strtok(null, '/');
// => 'example.com'
qibl.strtok(null, null);
// => 'path/name'
qibl.strtok(null, null);
// => null

qibl.escapeRegex( str )

Backslash-escape all characters in str that would act as metacharacters inside a regular expression. Returns the string with escapes added.

qibl.globRegex( template )

Convert the glob template to a regular expression pattern. Returns a string suitable for passing to new RegExp(patt) to construct a regular expression that identifies strings that match the glob template.

The glob syntax is the csh-like ? * ** [abc] [^abc] {a,b,c}, with some notes:

  • ? matches a single character in the string
  • * matches zero or more characters, not including / pathname separators Note: currently a * as the start of a pathname component also matches dot-files, but in the future this may be changed. Dot files are normally explicitly matched with .*
  • ** matches zero or more characters, including pathname separators
  • [...] matches the characters listed inside the brackets. Character ranges a-z are ok. Note: character lists are passed to the regex verbatim, without any escaping. Escaped \] and \\ are recognized, but the list contents must obey regexp syntax, not command shell.
  • [^...] matches all characters not listed inside the brackets
  • {,,,} matches exactly one of the comma-separated alternates. The alternates must not contain comma , or close-brace } characters. Note: unlike in the command shell, the alternates must not contain nested meta-patterns. Currently they are fully escaped in the regex pattern, with no metacharacter expansion so e.g. {*.[ch],*.js} matches the literal strings "*.[ch]" or "*.js", but in the future this restriction may be eased.


// => "^(src|test)/.*/[^/]*\\.[ch]$"

qibl.vinterpolate( string, substring, argv )

Replace each occurrence of the substring in string with the next argument in the vector argv. Substrings without a corresponding argument are not replaced.

vinterpolate("Hello, %s!", '%s', ["world"]);
// => "Hello, world!"

qibl.addslashes( str [,regex] )

Backslash-escape characters in the string. Without a regex, the characters escaped by default are ', ", \ and \0 (single-quote, double-quote, backslash and NUL). If a regex is provided, the patterns matched by its first capturing group will be the ones escaped instead.

addslashes("curl test.com/;cat /etc/passwd", /([;|&$])/g);
// => "curl test.com/\;cat /etc/passwd"

qibl.compileVinterpolate( string, substring )

Build a dedicated function to replace occurrences of the substring with arguments taken from the argv array. Just like vinterpolate, but optimized for the given string. Throws an Error if the argv length does not match the substring count.

var vinterpolate = qibl.compileVinterpolate('%s, %s!', '%s');
vinterpolate(['Hello', 'world']);
// => "Hello, world!"

semverCompar( semver1, semver2 )

Compare the two semantic version number strings and return -1 if version 1 is lower than, 0 if equal to, or +1 if greater than version 2. Handles dotted versions of any depth, and accepts version numbers with text suffixes. Versions numbers sort lower first, then shorter string, then alpha order of the strings. So "1.1" before "1.2", "1.2" before "1.2a", "1.2a" before "1.2aa", "1.2aa" before "1.2b", "1.7b" before "1.11a".

    // qibl.semverCompar("1.2c", "1.3a")         // -1

Buffers and Arrays

qibl.fill( buf, ch [,base] [,bound] )

Fill the buffer or array with the value ch from starting offset base and up to the limit bound (but not including bound). Returns the target being filled.

qibl.concat2( target, arr1 [,arr2] )

Concatenate one or two arrays into the target array. Returns the target array. Faster than Array.concat, much faster for short arrays.

qibl.flatMap2( target, arr, compute(item, ix, arr) )

Concatenate the values and arrays of values generated by compute-ing each element of the array arr onto the end of the target array. Missing elements are omitted. Returns the target array. Equivalent to arr.flatMap(), which is just target.concat(...arr.map(transform)), but 20x faster than flatMap and 10x faster than concat(map).

arr = qibl.flatMap2([0], [{v: 1}, {v: [2, 3]}], (x) => x.v);
// => [0, 1, 2, 3]

qibl.subsample( items, k [,base [,bound]] )

Return a uniformly distributed subsample of k items selected from the items array from between the specified base and bound. Base and bound default to 0 and items.length, respectively. Returns at most as many items as there are in the array (or in the bounded range).

qibl.qsearch( min, max, probe(n) )

Find the largest value n in the range [min..max] that still has the tested property, i.e. where probe(n) returns truthy. The function first uses binary search to call probe() with various n to narrow down where the probe starts failing, then switches to a fast linear search. Returns the last truthy index n if found, or min - 1 if not in the range.

items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
qibl.qsearch(0, items.length - 1, (index) => items[index] <= 3);
// => 2

// binary search the sorted array for the value
function binarySearch( array, value ) {
    var offset = qibl.qsearch(0, array.length - 1, (ix) => array[ix] <= value);
    return offset >= 0 && array[offset] === value ? offset : -1;

qibl.sort3( a, b, c )

Return an array containing the 3 items in ascending order. Much faster than [a, b, c].sort().

qibl.sort3(3, 1, 2);
// => [1, 2, 3]

qibl.sort3i( array, i, j, k )

Rearrange the array contents at offsets i, j and k so that array[i], array[j] and array[k] are in ascending order.

qibl.shuffle( array [,base [,bound]] )

Randomize the order of the elements in the array, or just between base and bound if provided. Uses and efficent in-place reorder algorithm. Returns the array.

qibl.interleave2( targetArray, sourceArray1, sourceArray2 )

Append the items from the two source arrays to the target array in alternating order 1, 2, 1, 2, etc. Any extra elements are appeneded contiguously.

qibl.interleave2([0], [1, 3, 5, 7], [2, 4]);
// => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]

qibl.newBuf( arg, encodingOrOffset, length )

Construct a Buffer like new Buffer() used to before it was deprecated.

qibl.allocBuf( length )

Create a new Buffer having the given length, with contents uninitialized. This builder is a pass-through to the native implementation (Buffer.allocUnsafe or new Buffer) and always runs at full speed.

qibl.fromBuf( contents )

Create a new Buffer with its contents pre-initialized to the given string, array or buffer. This builder is a pass-through to the native implementation (Buffer.from or new Buffer) and always runs at full speed.

qibl.chunk( array, size )

Split an array into chunks of at most size elements each. Returns an array of arrays which concatenate to the input array.

qibl.chunk([1,2,3,4,5], 2)
// => [[1,2], [3,4], [5]]

removeByIndex( array, index )

Remove the element at offset index from the array and return it. The array is updated in-place. Like array.splice(index, 1) but much faster.

remove2( array, filter(element, ix, array) [,discards] )

Remove from the array the elements identified by the filter, and repack the array in-place. The removed elements will be appended to the discards array if provided. filter must be a function that, when called with an array element, returns truthy to remove it from the array. Returns the modified array. Similar to Array.filter but modifies and returns the input array, and only optionally gathers the discarded items.

target = [1, 2];
qibl.remove2([3, 4, 5], (x) => x === 4, target);
// => [3, 5]
// => [1, 2, 4]


qibl.varargs( handler(argv, self) [,self] )

Return a function that when called will in turn call handler with all its arguments in an array (an "argument vector"). This functionality is no longer really needed with ES6 rest args, but is useful for portability. It is not slower than rest args.

If no self is given (or is undefined), varargs() will call handler with self set to the current this, to allow varargs functions to be used as methods or constructors. If called as a function or as qibl.varargs, self will be undefined.

qibl.varargsRenamed( handler(argv, self), funcName [,self] )

Return a function like varargs but constructed with the given function name. If no self is provided, the current this is used or undefined if running in a function context.

qibl.invoke( fn, argv )

Call the function with the given argument vector.

qibl.invoke2( fn, self, argv )

Call the method on the object self with the given argument vector.

qibl.thunkify( func [,self] )

Split the method into two functions, one (the thunk) to partially apply the function to the arguments and to return the other (the invoke) that runs the function when called with a callback. thunkify returns the thunk.

For example, given a function fn(a, b, cb):

function thunk(a, b) {
    return function invoke(cb) {
        return fn(a, b, cb);

qibl.curry( func )

Return a function that incrementally binds arguments and returns curried functions until all expected arguments have been gathered. As soon as all arguments to func are present, func is invoked and its return value is returned. The count of expected arguments is obtained from func.length.

function sum4(a, b, c, d) { return a + b + c  + d }
var f = qibl.curry(sum4);
// => [function]

f(1, 2, 3, 4)       // => 10
f(1)(2)(3)(4)       // => 10
f(1, 2)(3)(4, 5)    // => 10
f(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)    // => 10

var f2 = f(1, 2)
f2(3, 4)            // => 10
f2(4, 5)            // => 12

qibl.tryRequire( name )

Suppress the error from require(name). Returns the module, or undefined if unable to load.

qibl.clearListeners( emitter, event )

Remove all listeners that are listening for event, and return them in an array.

qibl.restoreListeners( emitter, event, listenersArray )

Add all listeners in the array to be listening for the event. This undoes a clearListeners().

qibl.readBody( emitter, callback(err, body) )

Listen for 'data' events from the emitter and assemble the data chunks into the returned body. Data may be either all strings or all Buffers. The returned body is a string for string data, else a Buffer for Buffer data. The callback is invoked when the 'end' event is received.

qibl.emitlines( emitter )

Annotate the emitter to listen for 'data' events, re-split the byte stream on \x0A newline terminated byte boundaries, and re-emit each line found as a 'line' event. A single data chunk may emit zero, one, or multiple lines. Returns the installed 'data' listener function. Similar to readline.createInterface(emitter) but emits from the same emitter as the data, and does not convert to string.

Lines are emitted when their terminating newline arrives, partial lines are buffered. The terminating newline is inclued in the emitted line. Line events are emitted synchronously by the data listener in the same event loop cycle that the data chunk arrives. Data chunks are expected in Buffers and lines are emitted as Buffers, the caller must convert to strings.

const emitter = new events.EventEmitter();
emitter.on('line', (line) => {
    // => Buffer('line 1\n')
    // => Buffer('line 2\n')
emitter.emit('data', Buffer.from('line 1\nline'));
emitter.emit('data', Buffer.from('2\npartial li'));

qibl.emitchunks( emitter, eventName, findChunkEnd(newChunk, chunks, base) )

Re-chunk the emitted 'data' bytes and emit them as eventName events. The 'data' buffers must have bytes in Buffers, and not have been converted to strings. The delivered 'chunk' events will likewise be in Buffers. The boundaries of the chunks are computed by the findChunkEnd function. Returns the 'data' event listener that was installed on the emitter.

Chunks are emitted as soon as their end is received, from within the 'data' event listener. Partial chunks are buffered until their end arrives.

findChunkEnd is called with the new 'data' buffer and, for multi-buffer chunks, the array of data buffers received so far (including the newest), and should return the byte offset in newChunk of the end of the chunk starting at base offset. Note that whenever base is non-zero the chunk will always start in newChunk and chunks will be unefined; when base is 0 zero the chunk will start at offset 0 in either chunks[0] or newChunk, depending on whether chunks is set..

See also the description of emitlines, which is built on top of emitchunks.

function emitlines( emitter ) {
    return qibl.emitchunks(emitter, 'line', function endOfLine(chunk, chunks, base) {
        var end = chunk.indexOf("\n", base);
        return end < 0 ? -1 : end + 1;

makeError( [properties,] message [,arg1 ,arg2, ...] )

Create a new Error object with the error message message and having the given properties. The message arguments are interpolated into the message with util.format(message, arg1, ...).

qibl.makeError({ code: 'MOOD' }, 'bad %s', 'mood');
// => Error { message: 'bad mood', code: 'MOOD', stack: "..." }

microtime( )

Return a high precision real-time timestamp with the seconds elapsed since the epoch, similar to PHP's microtime(true). Returns nanosecond precise elapsed times and tracks the system clock accurately to within .001 milliseconds. This is an efficient call, it is just hrtime added to a carefully calibrated time offset. Note that the system clock itself is usually only accurate to 1-10 ms because it is synced to a remote time service over a bursty network.

sec = qibl.microtime();
// => 1608407555.834298

new Date(sec * 1000).toISOString();
// => "2020-12-19T19:52:35.834Z"

microtime.calibrate( loopCount )

Recaliberate the microtime timer. Calibration synchronizes the millisecond transitions to the nodejs high-resolution timer to find the nanosecond offset between the Date clock and hrtime. This offset is used to return a microtime to within 1/2 microsecond accuracy. Note that microtime is calibrated when the file is loaded, this call exists for custom recalibration. Each calibration starts from scratch, the calibration runs are not cumulative.

parseMs( interval )

Convert a simple time spec like '2h' into milliseconds, 7200000. Recognizes the modifiers s, m, h, d and w meaning seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks. Plain numbers are assumed to represent milliseconds and are returned as is. Multiple time specs '2h 15m' are summed, 8100000. Returns NaN if unable to parse the value or the format.

qibl.parseMs('2m .5s');
// => 120500

timeit( runCount, func( i ) )

Measure how many seconds are needed to call func runCount times. func is passed the iteration index 0 .. runCount - 1. Returns an array with [runCount, elapsedSec, overheadSec] that reports the timings result as well as the estimated overhead that the timing loop added to the time used by func. See qtimeit for a more accurate timing loop.

formatRate( countOrRateArray, elapsedSec, overheadSec )

Return a string that summarizes the timing results in a human-friendly format.

rate = qibl.timeit(1e7, function(i) { return Math.sin(i / 360) });
// => [ 10000000, 0.17456579208374023, 0.03967285156249999 ]

// => "10m in 134.89 of 174.57 ms: 74.1329m/s"

qibl.timeitf( runCount, func( i ) )

Convenience wrapper around timeit and formatRate that prints the timing function and the results:

let x = 4.5;
qibl.timeitf(1e7, () => x = Math.sqrt(4 * x));
// => "() => x = Math.sqrt(4 * x): 10m in 77.795 of 105.261 ms: 128.5425m/s"

config = getConfig( [options] )

Read the environment-specific configs from the configs directory. Similar to config or qconfig, but just 10% the size for 90% of the functionality. The config settings are returned as a hierarchical name-value hash.

The config files are read from the given directory (./config by default) and are named the same as the evironment being configured, eg 'test or 'production'. All environment configs inherit the commonly shared settings configured in 'default', and are overridden by any overrides found in 'local'. Arbitrary format config files are supported with custom loaders configured by filename extension.

Unlike qconfig, the config directory is not searched for, it must be named explicitly or be ./config in the current working directory. Unlike config, the elaborate override logic is simplified to just 3 layers.

Errors other than file-not-found errors are logged to stderr with console.error.


  • dir - the directory holding the files with config settings. The default is ./config in the same directory as the running process, typically the root of the source tree.
  • env - the config environment to load, typically 'test', 'development' or 'production'. The environment to load is read from options.env, else from process.env.NODE_ENV, else the default used is 'development'.
  • loaders - custom config file loader functions, specified as a mapping of filename extensions to loader functions. The loaders are tried in the order specified, first on the bare filename without any extesion, then on the filename with the loader-specific extension appended. The config returned by the first loader to succeed is the one used. Loaders for the native (no extension) javascript and .json are built in and are always tried first. The load functions must return a name-value hash.

errorToObject( err )

Convert the error with its non-enumerable fields into a serializable object, and return the object. All own properties of err are retained.

objectToError( obj )

Create an error having all the same properties as obj. If obj was created with errorToObject, will also try to restore an instance of the original error type.

repeatUntil( loopedFunction(done(err, done)), callback )

Keep calling loopedFunction() until it calls its callback with an error or a truthy done value. Errors returned from or thrown by the looped function stop the looping, are caught, and are returned to the callback. Due to the way repeatUntil recurses, errors thrown from the callback are also caught and fed back into the callback. This function does not yield the cpu unless the looped function does.

var count = 0;
qibl.repeatUntil(function(done) {
    count += 1;
    done(null, count >= 3);
}, function(err) {
    callback(err, count);
    // => count === 3

repeatFor( count, loopedFunction(done(err), ix), callback )

Call loopedFunction() exactly count times. Each call is passed a callback followed by the loop index ix, 0 .. count-1. Errors returned by the looped function stop the looping and are returned to the callback. Errors thrown are not yet handled. This function does not yield the cpu unless the looped function does.

var count = 0;
repeatFor(3, function(done, ix) {
    count += 1;
}, function(err) {
    // => count === 3

forEachCb( itemsArray, visitorFunction(done(err), item, ix, itemsArray), callback )

Call the visitor function with each element of the array. The visitor is passed, in order, a callback that must be invoked when the visitor is done, the array item, the index of the item in the array, and the array itself. Missing elements will be passed as undefined. This function uses repeatFor and does not yield the cpu unless the called visitor does.

runSteps( steps, callback(err) )

Experimental: run each of the functions in the steps array. Each step takes a callback and two optional arguments passed to it from the previous step. The callback is called with any error and the first two arguments returned by the last step. This function currently does not break up the call stack and does not yield the cpu between steps.

    (done) => done(null, 1),
    (done, x) => done(null, 2, x),
    (done, y, x) => done(null, x, y),
(err, a, b) => {
    // err == null, a == 1, b == 2

processItem = batchCalls( [options,] processBatch(items [,cb]) )

Return a function processItem that will accept a single argument and an optional callback, and will periodically call processBatch with batches of the arguments the returned function is invoked with. The function callback, if given, will be invoked with the error returned by the callback from processBatch.


  • maxWaitMs - how many milliseconds to wait for additional items, default 0 to process the batch at the end of the current event loop tick.
  • maxBatchSize - do not let batches grow above this number of items, default 10. Zero selects the default.
  • startBatch() - function that returns a new empty batch. The default is to use an empty array [].
  • growBatch(batch, item) - function to add the item to the batch. The batch is the most recent one obtained with startBatch. The default is a function to batch.push(item).


const processItem = qibl.batchCalls({maxBatchSize: 2}, processBatch);

function processBatch(items, callback) {
    // called with item batches of [1, 2] then [3]

errorEmitter = walkdir( dirname, visitor(path, stat, depth), callback )

Simple stateless directory tree walker. Files are reported and recursed into in order. Visits all contained files and directories, including the search root dirname itself. Returns an event emitter that emits 'error' events with the filepath of files that could not be accessed (fs.stat-ed).

Calls the visitor() with the filepath of the current file, the file stats obtained with fs.stat, and the current directory depth starting from 0. The visitor may return a command string to direct how this file should be traversed, one of

  • 'skip' - omit this subdirectory (subdirectories are normally recursed into when encountered)
  • 'visit' - do recurse into this subdirectory (symbolic links to directories are normally skipped)
  • 'stop' - stop the traversal, all done, do not visit the other files

Errors accessing the visited files are reported out of band via 'error' events on the returned emitter, and the visitor is not called on them. The emitter does not throw, un-listened for errors are ignored. Errors accessing the top-level dirname are returned to the callback.

Note: the files are visited in fs.readdir() order, which varies by node version. Older node returned files in as-is storage order, newer node returns them in sorted order.

mkdir_p( dirname, callback(err) )

Create the named directory, including all enclosing directories as necessary. It is not an error for the directory to already exist.

rmdir_r( fileName_or_directoryName, callback(err) )

Remove the named file or directory. If directory, removes all its contents too.

filename = tmpfile( [options] [callback] )

Create a new empty temporary file for exclusive use and return its filename. The file is momentarily opened in O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY mode to guarantee to not to have existed before the call, and will be automatically removed when the process exits (by normal exit, or unhandled SIGTERM, SIGHUP, or SIGINT). The filename is constructed by concatenating the directory name, core filename, a six-character random suffix, and filename extension.

Note that this call behaves like a cross between tempfile(1) and its namesake tmpfile(3).

Note that the installed signal handlers try to keep to the default behavior of exiting by throwing a "terminated" exception. They throw only if no other handlers are listening for the signal, else the other handlers will presumably decide whether to exit or not. Emitting signal names from process is thus no longer harmless, because it can throw. Also, if the other handlers also only exit only if they are the sole listener, then the process may not exit after all.

If the optional callback is provided then tmpfile uses async calls to create the temp file and returns errors to the callback, otherwise tmpfile uses synchronous calls and throws if unable to create a file.

The options are not required, and may specify:

  • dir - name of the directory to hold the file, default is process.env.TMPDIR else /tmp

  • name - core filename without the leading path separators, default node-tmpfile-

  • ext - filename extension to append including any '.' separator, default '' empty string

  • remove - whether to auto-remove the file on exit, default enabled, set to false to create a permanent file that will not be removed on fatal signal or process exit

  • flags - file creation mode. This setting is normally not specified, and defaults to "wx". Note: this setting must be specified as a numeric value for node versions 0.6 and older that reject the "x" exclusive-mode modifier; for them the Unix creation flags are 0x80 | 0x40 | 0x01 meaning (O_EXCL | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY). The values of O_EXCL et al are defined in fs.constants in nodejs v6 and up. Note that the numeric values of the macOS O_CREAT and O_EXCL differ from Unix.

    const filename = qibl.tmpfile(); // => "/tmp/node-tmpfile-wp3tio"

globdir( dirname, templateOrRegex, callback(err, filepathArray) )

Recursively walk the directory looking for files matching the pattern, and return to the callback the list of matching filepaths. The filenames will be full paths with the directory name prepended, similarly to how the filenames are returned by find(1).

If the filename template is not already a regular expression it will be converted with new RegExp(qibl.globRegex(template)). The template accepts globRegex syntax.

// find all files in ./src/ whose names end in '.js'
globdir('./src', '*.js', (err, files) => {
    // ...

socketpair( callback(err, sockets) )

Return via the callback a pair of connected unix domain sockets. Returns two open instances of net.Socket where the data written to sockets[0] will be readable from sockets[1], and vice versa. The socket filename is e.g. /var/tmp/node-socketpair.XXXXXX where /var/tmp is the value of the TMPDIR environment variable (default /tmp) and XXXXXX is a random suffix. The file is created with qibl.tmpfile and is automatically removed when the current process exits.

An open socket can be passed to a child_process as the second argument to child.send().

walktree( tree, visitor(node[key], key, node, depth) )

Recursively examine the properties of tree and call visitor() on each. tree may be any value, but only isHash hashes are traversed. Like Array.forEach, the visitor is called with the property value, the property name (index), the object whose property it is, plus depth, the current level of property traversal, 1 for the direct properties of tree. If the visitor returns 'skip' the property is not recursed into, if 'stop' the traversal is halted, and if 'visit' then the object will be recursed into even if not a hash.

copytreeDecycle( tree [, replacement] )

Deep-copy the object tree with all nodes that are backreferences introducing cycles replaced with the replacement. The default replacement is the string [Circular]. The copy replaces all class instances with generic objects, preserving only the enumerable own properties; the original classes and inherited methods are ignored. This call can be used to make objects containing cycles safe for serialization, e.g. for JSON.stringify.

difftree( node1, node2 )

Return a recursive copy of node2 with all properties that are also present in node1 removed, leaving only the properties where node2 differs from node1. Array properties are compared with diffarray (see below). Properties must be === strict equal to match. Only isHash() hashes and arrays are recursed into, not class instances. If two arrays differ, the differing elements are returned at their original offsets. An element or property set to undefined matches a missing or unset one.

    { v: 1, a: { b: 2 }, e: [1, 2] },
    { v: 1, a: { b: 2, c: 3 }, d: 4, e: [1, 3] }
// => { a: { c: 3 }, d: 4, e: [ , 3] }

diffarray( array1, array2 )

Return an array with the recursive pairwise diffs of the array elements. Elements that are equal are omitted from the returned array. An omitted element matches the undefined value.

qibl.diffarray([ , 2, 3], [undefined, 2, 4]);
// => [ , , 4]

qibl.diffarray([1, { a: 1 }], [1, { a: 1, b: 2 }]);
// => [ , { b: 2 }]

retry( getDelay(), timeoutMs, func(cb), [options,] callback(err, res, res2) )

Repeatedly call func until it succeeds or have tried for timeoutMs milliseconds. Pauses getDelay(retryNum) ms between retry attempts. The first retryNum passed to getDelay is 1. func() is invoked with a callback cb(err, res, res2) that expects an error object err and up to two result values res and res2. Calls its callback with the result of the last call to func: any error and up to two result values. Makes an initial attempt to func() when called, then retry attempts separated by delays, and a final attempt at the very end of the timeout period after a possibly shortened delay.

Starting with v1.19.4 the timeoutMs is enforced with a setTimeout() timer, and measures total elapsed time. If func() returns immediately, then the sum of delays will be (close to) the timeoutMs, but if func takes a while to fail the number of attempts will be fewer. One final attempt is made just before timeout unless already timed out.

Starting with v1.22.0 the options object, if provided, can specify

  • noTimeout - do not error out long-running calls to func. This effectively switches the behavior back to the initial implementation that only timed out between calls to func, never while func was running. The default is false to time out mid-call if it takes too long.

makeGetId( uniqueSystemId )

Return a function that will generate unique ids for the given system. This is a convenience wrapper around qibl.QuickId.

mutexCall( func(..., callback) [,limit] )

Return a function that will serialize calls to func. The optional limit controls how many calls to func to allow to run simultaneously; the default is 1. func may take any number of parameters, but the last argument must be callback.

The serialized call has the same function signature as func, taking the same arguments and the same callback. The mutex is acquired before func is called, and is released when func invokes its callback. The callback can deliver up to 2 values back to the caller, normally an error and a data value. Errors thrown inside func are caught and passed to its callback, including errors thrown after the callback has been called. The mutex is released only once, on the first occasion (ie the first time the callback is called and/or error is thrown).

Mutual exclusion is implemented with a qibl.Mutex instance, which is attached to the returned function as its .mutex property.

const qibl = require('qibl');
let running = 0;
const greet = (name, cb) => {
    assert.equal(running, 0);
    running += 1;
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log('Hello, %s!', name);
        assert.equal(running, 1);
        running -= 1;
    }, 5);
const greet1 = qibl.mutexCall(greet);
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) greet1('Barbie', function callback(){});
// => "Hello, Barbie!" 10 times, spaced 5 ms apart

monitorHeartbeat( interval, maxElapsed, reportDelay(elapsed) )

Monitor event loop blockage by checking that an interval timer is run every interval milliseconds. Excessive CPU usage delays asynchronous events and expired timers from being processed. If more than maxElapsed milliseconds elapsed between calls, call reportDelay with the elapsed duration. Returns the created interval timer.

const timer = qibl.monitorHeartbeat(100, 600, (actual, expected) =>
    console.log('Heartbeat delayed by ${actual - expected} ms'));


new Mutex( limit )

Create a mutual exclusion semaphore that allows limit concurrent users to a limited-use resource; default 1 one. A Mutex has one method: acquire(func). It queues func waiting for the resource to be free, locks one unit of the resource, and calls func(release). release is a callback that must be called to release the resource unit; the resource will remain locked until freed, no timeout.

Note that the next call to use the mutex is invoked directly by the release() of the previous call without the call stack being broken up, so queueing many hundreds of synchronous calls could throw a "stack size exceeded" exception. Note too that synchronous functions do not need to be serialized, since they run inherently consecutively.

Mutex properties of interest

  • limit - the configured maximum number of simultaneous users allowed

  • busy - the count of users currently accessing the resource

  • queue - the queue of calls waiting to access the resource

    mutex = new qibl.Mutex(); mutex.acquire((release) => { useResource(); release(); });

new Cron( )

Schedule precise-interval cronjobs. A cronjob is a function taking a callback that it calls when done and uses to report errors. Cron schedules runtimes at exact multiples of the configured interval, and calls the cron function once it has come due. The next run will only be scheduled after the previous run has finished, job runs will never overlap. The duration of the job does not affect the schedule, but an overdue job can cause the following run to be skipped. The different jobs are run in turn, in the order scheduled.

Note that Cron is explicitly strobed, it does not run its own timer: cron.run must be called with the current time at the cron scheduling granularity, eg every minute.

cron = new qibl.Cron();
cronTimer = setInterval(() => cron.run(Date.now()), 60000);

cron.schedule( intervalMs, cronjob(cb), [startMs, [errorCallback(err)]] )

Schedule a cronjob to run every intervalMs milliseconds from now, or from the optional startMs time. If provided, errorCallback will be called with any errors the cronjob encounters each time it is run. Cronjob exceptions are redirected to the error callback, but errorCallback exceptions are fatal.

cron.cancel( cronjob )

Remove a cronjob from the list and do not run it any more. Returns true if removed, false if the cronjob was not scheduled.

cron.run( nowMs, callback )

Run the cronjobs that have come due, and call the callback when finished running them. This call never returns errors, error reporting is done per job via their scheduled errorCallback.

cron = new qibl.Cron();
cron.schedule(60 * 1000, () => console.log('1 minute elapsed'));
cron.run(Date.now() + 30000);
// (nothing)
cron.run(Date.now() + 60000);
// => "1 minute elapsed"

qids = new QuickId( uniqueSystemId )

Very very fast globally unique id generator, similar in structure to MongoDB ids, composed of a time, a system identifier that uniquely distinguishes id sources, and a sequence number. Uniqueness is ensured by the system id, which must be unique for each id source. The default system id is the empty string ''.

qids.getId( )

Return a globally unique id composed of a 9-char monotonic time value, the system-wide unique origin identifier provided to QuickId, and a 4-char sequence number. The time and sequence are base-32 encoded. The time values are not realtime accurate, but are usually close. The ids are in ascending sort order and are guaranteed to be unique for each system id. getId is very very fast, it can generate tens of millions of unique ids per second.

new QuickId('-sys2-').getId();
// => "1fkbndu7p-sys2-0000"

qids.parseId( id )

Decompose an id returned by getId into its component timestamp, system id and sequence number. Only handles the standard 9-char timestamp / 4-char sequence id formats.

new QuickId().parseId('1fkbndu7p-sys2-0008');
// => { time: 1636776212729, sys: '-sys2-', seq: 8 }

timebase = new Timebase( )

Fast source of approximate timestamps designed for efficient back-to-back calls. Reuses the current timestamp for up to 5 milliseconds or 50 calls, whichever occurs first.

timebase.getNewerTimestamp( when )

Wait until the time has passed when milliseconds, and return the new current ms. The wait is blocking, this call is intended for finding ms transition boundaries not sleeping.

new Stopwatch( )

Restartable nanosecond resolution stopwatch timer. Stopwatch timers check the time-of-day clock when started and read, but consume no other resources and can be safely abandoned or left "running". A newly created stopwatch is running, measuring elapsed time.

var stopw = new qibl.Stopwatch();
var elapsed = sw.read();
// => elapsed time in seconds, with ns precision


Return the total time accumulated on this stopwatch, in seconds with nanosecond resolution. The current time is obtained with qibl.microtime(). A newly created stopwatch is running, but can be stopped and restarted.


Return the total time accumulated on the stopwatch, in millisconds. Same as read() * 1000.


Pause the stopwatch. The time elapsed so far is preserved, but does not increase while stopped. Stopping an already stopped stopwatch has no effect.


Restart the stopwatch. When restarted, the elapsed time will start growing again. Restarting a running stopwatch has no effect.


Reset the elapsed time back to zero. Does not clear the marked times.

stopw.mark( label )

Tag the current elapsed time with the provided label, and save it. Reusing a label overwrites the associated timestamp.

stopw.report( )

Return all tagged timestamps as an object with the labels as the keys and the associated elapsed times as the values.

dlist = new qibl.Dlist( )

Barebones doubly-linked circular list similar to qdlist. Each node on the list has properties next and prev linking to the next and previous node in the list, respectively. The list is itself a node with its next property pointing to the head of the list, and prev to the tail. For bests performance each node on the list should be derived from qibl.DlistNode or have its first two properties, in order, be next and prev.

function KeyVal(key, val) { this.key = key; this.val = val }
qibl.inherits(KeyVal, qibl.DlistNode);

var dlist = new qibl.Dlist();
dlist.push(new KeyVal('a', 1));
dlist.push(new KeyVal('b', 2));
var secondKey = [...dlist][1].key;
// => 'b'

dlist.insert( node, prev, next )

Link the node into the list to follow prev and precede next.

dlist.remove( node )

Unlink the node from the list, linking node.next to immediate follow node.prev. A node must not be removed if not on a list.

dlist.push( node )

Convenience method to link the node onto the tail of the list. Returns undefined if the list is empty. Same as dlist.insert(node, dlist.prev, dlist).

dlist.shift( )

Convenience method to retrieve the node at the head of the list. Same as dlist.next !== dlist ? dlist.remove(dlist.next) : undefined.

dlist.forEach( visitor(node, index, list) )

List iterator similar to [].forEach, walks the list from head to tail and calls the visitor function with each node in turn. The visitor is passed the node, the index of the node 0..N-1 on the list, and the list itself.

dlist._iterator, dlist[Symbol.iterator]

A Dlist is iteratable with for ... of or with the iterator returned by its _iterator method.

lru = new qibl.LruCache( [capacity] )

Return an empty key-value store limited to capacity elements. Once the cache max capacity is reached, elements are displaced using a least-recently-used replacement policy. By default the capacity is unlimited. LruCache is small, fast and iterable.

const lru = new qibl.LruCache();
lru.set('a', 1);
lru.set('b', 2);
lru.set('c', 3);
lru.get('b');               // b becomes the most recent
const values = [...lru];
// => [1, 3, 2]             // oldest is a, then c, and b most recent

lru.set( key, value )

Add the value to the cache, and make it the most recent. If the key is already present its old value is overwritten. If the cache has reached its maximum capacity, adding a new key displaces the oldest.

lru.get( key )

Return the value stored under the given key, or undefined if the key is not in the cache.

lru.has( key )

Return true if the key is in the cache, false if it is not.

lru.delete( key )

Remove the value indexed by key from the cache.

lru.keys( )

Return the keys of the elements currently in the cache.

clist = new qibl.Clist( )

Efficient minimal circular list implemented with an Array, supporting just push, shift and length. The list can grow without limit, but the array space freed when removing elements is not reclaimed (use list.resize() to free unused storage space). This is a stripped-down version of the very efficient qlist.

It is much much much faster to push/shift off a circular list than a nodejs array once the array has ~ 10,000 elements, because the nodejs javascript engine runs shift in O(n^2) time once the array exceeds a built-in threshold.

clist.push( item )

Append the item to the end of the list. The list grows as needed to fit the items.

clist.shift( )

Remove and return the first item on the list, or undefined if the list is empty.


Getter property that always returns the count of elements on the list.

clist.resize( [count] )

Double or halve the length of the storage array to better fit count elements, and retain count elements. If not specified count defaults to clist.length. This method is used internally to grow the list when appending items, and can be called to shrink the list to free unused storage.

// reclaim any unused storage from the list


  • 1.25.0 - new monitorHeartbeat, new isSurrogatePair, document stringBound and timeitf
  • 1.24.1 - faster startsWith and endsWith, show 3 digits precision in elapsed timeit.formatRate, new undocumented timeitf, new undocumented str_flatten, stringBound
  • 1.24.0 - new mutexCall, new Clist, faster Mutex implemented with Clist, document timeit, promote formatRate to qibl, better timeit calibration, flags tmpfile option, fix tmpfile for macOS
  • 1.23.0 - add optional async mode to tmpfile, fix getConfig to show parse errors on stderr, fix timeit calibration, new LruCache, new ansiColor, expose microtime.calibrate
  • 1.22.4 - log getConfig load errors that are not "Cannot find module" to expose eg syntax errors, fix objectToError to retain undefined own properties too
  • 1.22.3 - only convert errorToObject error own properties to not restore inherited properties, more accurately restore objectToError error instances and return UnknwnError if __errorCtor not known
  • 1.22.2 - fix getConfig to interpret relative paths against the current working directory, new experimental timeit, timeit.autorageValue, timeit.formatRate
  • 1.22.1 - fix forEachProperty to return function properties, document groupBy, document makeIterator, setIterator, getIterator
  • 1.22.0 - new removeByIndex, new str_reverse, new remove2, faster concat2, new extractNotTo, fix extractTo to not copy the property if mask is set to undefined, fix globRegex sh-style [!abc] charlist negation, expose Timebase, noTimeout option to retry, new Dlist doubly-linked circular list
  • 1.21.2 - new preliminary str_count, prune search tree for much faster globdir, allow duplicate calls to makeIteratorPeekable, fix str_count to not infinite loop on zero-length patterns, recognize mergeTo as meaning merge, fix mergeTo to ensure hash when nesting properties
  • 1.21.1 - have retry return the actual error on timeout, better semverCompar patch level handling
  • 1.21.0 - new Stopwatch, add string support to addslashes, tmpfile remove option, fix obscure tmpfile unlink, tmpfile fail faster, support multi-term times in parseMs
  • 1.20.1 - fix getConfig to not expose the _merge method, fix tmpfile to exit on sighup/int/term, and do nothing on sigquit
  • 1.20.0 - new forEachProperty, hashToMap, mapToHash, new undocumented makeIteratorPeekable
  • 1.19.4 - fix walktree 'visit' to not iterate strings, fix retry timeout and timeout error return
  • 1.19.2 - faster diffarray
  • 1.19.1 - support 'visit' in walktree
  • 1.19.0 - new getConfig, new errorToObject and objectToError, new tmpfile, socketpair, emitlines, emitchunks
  • 1.18.1 - makeGetId id helper, document shuffle (aka randomize) and interleave2
  • 1.18.0 - new functions batchCalls (adapted from qfifo), fromEntries, and QuickId (adapted from mongoid-js)
  • 1.17.1 - fix parseMs to return NaN for an empty string "" time interval
  • 1.17.0 - Cron periodic interval job runner adapted from miniq, simple parseMs time interval notation
  • 1.16.1 - fix globdir filename matching in '.', make assignTo the primary and remove copyObject from the docs, call it forEachCb, fix rmdir_r on dangling symlinks, new undocumented runSteps, fix globdir to not report files visited after error
  • 1.16.0 - new forEachCb, mkdir_p, rmdir_r, globdir, concatBuf; make walkdir accept "" as synonym for ".", make repeatUntil iterate as fast as repeatFor, fix code to work under node-v0.6
  • 1.15.2 - fix walkdir to recurse into symlinked directories if told to 'visit', fix flatMap2 so can append self to self
  • 1.15.1 - fix flipTo unit test to work with older node
  • 1.15.0 - new flipTo, getLastDefined
  • 1.14.1 - fix copytreeDecycle toJSON and cycles in arrays; faster copyObject on node-v10 and up
  • 1.14.0 - new chunk array splitter, copytreeDecycle cycle-free object copy
  • 1.13.1 - fix retry to return the computed result
  • 1.13.0 - allow extractTo to copy nested properties
  • 1.12.2 - experimental flatMap2
  • 1.12.1 - make difftree recursively diff array contents for full json support, expose diffarray
  • 1.12.0 - new Mutex from miniq, bump version for new calls
  • 1.11.2 - calibrate microtime better for node v12 and up, rename to semverCompar, new extractTo, new retry document as assignTo
  • 1.10.0 - new difftree, new getProp quicker property getter, concat2 of varargs, new reparent
  • 1.9.0 - new startsWith / endsWith, document str_locate, new walktree
  • 1.8.2 - optimize populate() separately for arrays and buffers, omit empty strings from generated compileVinterpolate code, calibrate microtime longer
  • 1.8.1 - tune microtime accuracy, fix setProperty readonly mode (undocumented)
  • 1.8.0 - new makeError, compileVinterpolate, microtime, repeatFor, pairTo, document repeatUntil, walkdir, fix getProperty() for un-dotted names longer than 40 chars, faster getProperty, faster iteration
  • 1.7.3 - new undocumented repeatUntil, walkdir
  • 1.7.2 - fix escaped ] in globRegex char lists [...]
  • 1.7.1 - new function globRegex
  • 1.6.3 - new function compileGetProperty
  • 1.6.2 - new undocumented str_random_word, str_random_sentence, fromCharCodes, tryError
  • 1.6.1 - faster getProperty, fix range for backward order with negative steps
  • 1.6.0 - new function entries, sort3i; new undocumented functions str_locate, randomize, interleave2, groupBy, sortBy, range, clone; fix get/setIterator property name; speed up iterators, change makeIterator step func args; faster str_random
  • 1.5.1 - fix getProperty, do not prevent multiple callbacks from readBody
  • 1.5.0 - new functions derive, varargsRenamed, isMethodContext, readBody; make varargs attach the instance this if no self given, faster invoke2, faster varargs
  • 1.4.0 - new functions fill, subsample, omitUndefined, qsearch, sort3, clear/restoreListeners, str_random, mapById, groupByid; document getProperty, setProperty; new undocumented makeIterator, toArray, distinct
  • 1.3.0 - new function populate()
  • 1.2.2 - new undocumented functions getProperty, setProperty, once
  • 1.2.1 - fix thunkify
  • 1.2.0 - faster varargs, new concat2, keys, str_truncate, strtok, inherits, curry
  • 1.1.2 - fix invoke
  • 1.1.1 - un-document the addslashes hidden param of vinterpolate
  • 1.1.0 - new tryRequire
  • 1.0.0 - first release