Pinned issues
- 7
- 5
What are the A, G, B of F(2x2,1x3)?
#28 opened by foreverlms - 1
How can calculate F(2x3,3x3)?
#27 opened by weiqingchen110 - 4
- 14
Broken on Sympy 1.6.2
#25 opened by asadalam - 13
For F(3,3)????
#5 opened by wuzhijiexia - 4
- 6
What are the polynomial points for F(14, 3)?
#24 opened by JIANGJZ - 4
Choice of Modulo Polynomials
#10 opened by JoWayne - 1
- 6
why use the matrix calculate the convolution the multiplication is less ?
#12 opened by victorygogogo - 5
Number of tiles per channel (to compute convnet layers with F(2 x 2, 3 x 3))
#17 opened by adam-dziedzic - 2
Q: Differences in result.
#21 opened by cbalint13 - 5
8 bit Winograd Convolution?
#16 opened by manojrohit - 8
- 8
- 2
source code about GPU implementation
#2 opened by NHZlX - 1
how to get the results order by row
#15 opened by victorygogogo - 4
fast multiplication of complex numbers (from the paper: Fast Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Networks)
#14 opened by adam-dziedzic - 1
F(3,3) vs F(2,3) accuracy
#9 opened by chasingegg - 1
What happens if stride = 2?
#7 opened by power0341 - 2
for stride = 2?
#6 opened by jian-ke - 1
wincnn.showCookToomFilter((0,1,-1), 2, 3)
#4 opened by wolf1981 - 9
Large difference to regular convolution
#3 opened by Pfaeff - 2
question: accuracy/numerical stability test?
#1 opened by kruus