
Template repository for setting up a repo with pathway curation is a subset of pathways.

Primary LanguageMakefile


This repo contains a Dockerfile to build a docker container for the RDF generation of Wikipathways (GPML) content.

Run docker

sudo docker container run -d -v /home/ubuntu/wikipathways_docker/gpml:/wp/wp2rdf4docker/gpml -v /home/ubuntu/wikipathways_docker/gpml/reports:/wp/wp2rdf4docker/reports -v /home/ubuntu/wikipathways_docker/gpml/wp:/wp/wp2rdf4docker/wp  -t micelio/wikipathways_rdf:latest

The docker command will print a hash like the one below: 5bfa8c26ca80da265b06ce419edf5cd2d804e6898fffa2ebef1cda631eb3fee2

Copy that hash and type sudo docker exec -it <hash> bash

e.g. (per the example hash above) `sudo docker exec -t 5bfa8c26ca80da265b06ce419edf5cd2d804e6898fffa2ebef1cda631eb3fee2 bash

a command line will appear bash-5.1#


Build the docker container


sudo docker container run -d -v /home/ubuntu/wikipathways_docker/gpml:/gpml -v /home/ubuntu/wikipathways_docker/reports:/reports -v /home/ubuntu/wikipathways_docker/wp:/wp sudo docker container run -d -v /home/ubuntu/wikipathways_docker/gpml:/gpml -v /home/ubuntu/wikipathways_docker/reports:/reports -v /home/ubuntu/wikipathways_docker/wp:/wp -t micelio:wikipathwaysRDF