
Browse Backblaze B2 with a generated JSON file tree.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Browse Backblaze B2 with a generated JSON file tree using a static website. An example website can be found on my Github Pages.


Generate JSON tree file with tree -J . > tree.json command on your local machine in the directory where files and folders are uploaded to the Backblaze B2 with b2 sync . b2://myBucket/

MacOS users might want to use: b2 sync --excludeRegex '.*\/\..*' --excludeRegex '\.DS_Store' . b2://myBucket/ as tree command, by default, does not include files starting with .

Upload this file tree.json to the B2 or serve it with this static website.

Set up urlPrefix and treeUrl const variables in the begining of the ./js/tree.js file. For urlPrefix use full B2 URL, including protocol, bucket and a trailing /.

Example: https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/myBucket/

For treeUrl use the URL to the JSON file tree.json that we created previously.

Example: https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/myBucket/tree.json or ../data/outputOftree.json

Serve your website with your favourite static website host like Github Pages.