Repository to host code made in BIA at VSB-TUO

Primary LanguagePython


Blind Search Algorithm/Hill Climbing/Simulated Annealing

Using a either blind search, hill climbing or simulated annealing to find out the global minimum of the designated functions. It also prints the the function on the x,y,z axis and the calculated point. Usage: python main.py ackley hill_climbing

Genetic Algorithm

Using a genetic algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem for the cities on the cities.json file. Usage: python main.py

Permutations of a sequence of elements

Finding out all of the permutations of a sequence of numbers taking as input the size of the sequence. For instance python main.py 2 will generate the sequence 01 and the permutations are 01 and 10 It also prints the time it took to calculate them all.

Diferential Evolution

Finding out the global minima, for the test functions of the first and second seminars. Usage: python main.py ackley 1000 100 where 1000 => iterations and 100 => population size.