Deds Template

My opinionated template for creating fast marketing websites that can have some more flavour if you put in the work


Clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone

cd deds-template

npm install
# or
pnpm install
# or
yarn install
# or
bun install

Libraries docs

Project Structure

Briefly explain the main directories and files in your project:

  • src/: Source code for your application.
  • src/routes/: SvelteKit routes.
  • src/lib/: Reusable modules and components.
  • src/lib/components: UI Components.
  • src/lib/paraglide: Translations for the app (in gitignore).
  • src/lib/stores: Aplication stores (global state).
  • src/lib/utils: Utils for many things
  • src/lib/server/db/: Database-related scripts and schema.
  • src/assets: Static Assets
  • src/trpc: Server side trpc routes
  • messages: translation definition
  • migrations: sql migrations


Once you've cloned the project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install, yarn or bun), start a development server:

npm run dev


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build




Drizzle ORM Commands The following commands help manage the database schema and migrations, refer to Commands Docs

Push changes to the development database: Push command is good for situations where you need to quickly test new schema designs or changes in a local development environment, allowing for fast iterations without the overhead of managing migration files.

npm run db:push

Apply database migrations:

npm run db:migrate --name <migration name>

Open Drizzle Studio:

npm run db:studio

Seed the database using faker.js:

npm run db:seed

Generate database types:

npm run db:generate

Drop the database:

npm run db:drop

Bring the database up (alias for db:push and db:migrate):

npm run db:up

Check the database schema:

npm run db:check


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests. Contributions are welcome!