
Code for an artistic context

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Andre's Creative Coding Archive

I did illustrations, planning, icons, etc. for websites, promo material, GUIs and so on usually directly in dedicated graphics programs where programming played no role. However, there a few of my source codes that I still found on my computer and were part or should have been part of some private graphics projects.

OpenSCAD code to draw running figure wireframes. Inspired by a similar CPC6128 home computer program from my childhood in the early 1990s, whose name I unfortunately no longer remember (Runner Simulator?)

Runner Sample 1 Runner Sample 2 Runner Sample 3

Source Code

Javascript/CSS to generate collages from some given images. Currently it reproduces the style of Jelle Marten's "In The Quivering Forest" only. It creates and composes SVG patterns instead of drawing on a HTML5 canvas.

Sample Images TODO

Source Code

Planning a rack enclosure cabinet with network gear using a 3D model, which helps visualize space problems, e.g., in the rear. Also OpenSCAD learning opportunity.

Rack Sample

Github Repository

To be continued ...