
This is an inital release for the code behind the paper DIFFSURV: Differentiable Sorting for Censored Time-to-event Data presented at ICLR 2023, time-series representation learning for health workshop.

Primary LanguagePython

Diffsurv: Differentiable Sorting for Censored Time-to-event Data

This is an inital release for the code behind the paper DIFFSURV: Differentiable Sorting for Censored Time-to-event Data presented at ICLR 2023, time-series representation learning for health workshop.


conda create -n diffsurv python=3.9.15
cd /path/to/diffsurv/
conda env update -f src/requirements.yaml

Run experiments

Using pytorch-lightning it's easy to run the scripts.

cd /path/to/diffsurv/src/
conda activate diffsurv
python scripts/mlpdiffsort_synthetic.py --config jobs/configs/mlpdiffsort_synthetic.yaml

Run Sweeps

wandb sweep jobs/configs/sweeps/mlpdiffsort_synthetic_sweep.yaml
conda activate diffsurv
wandb agent <sweep-id>

Extract results

Ensure that the OnTrainEndResults callback is on. This will automatically save an wandb artifact with a parquet of results, logits, event times, risk and covariates.

If you've a model already trained you can run something like:

python scripts/mlpdiffsort_synthetic.py predict --config jobs/configs/mlpdiffsort.yaml --ckpt_path path/to/model.ckpt

To extract results for the predict_dataloader and a specified checkpoint. Also saved an artifact.