
Simple JavaScript app to search the Flickr API for a set of keywords and show the results as a interactive gallery.

Primary LanguageApacheConfMIT LicenseMIT

Flickr Slider

Simple JavaScript app to search the Flickr API for a set of keywords and show the results as a interactive gallery.

Update May 2016:

This was built as an assignement for a job back in 2013. I was instructed not to use any frameworks, so I didn't. The code is mostly vanilla JavaScript with some jQuery to access and manipulate the DOM.

I used the module pattern to encapsulate all the logic inside \js\modules\Flickr.js and expose a init method which is called on \js\App.js. If no limitations had been put back then, I would have probably used Angular.

Today I would have built it slightly differently, but I would still have used modules, because modules are great.