This is a wrapper around the Alteryx Admin API as an NPM module. It has one dependency which will be installed when you install this module: 'oauth-signature'. This module uses Async/Await for fetching data from the API. The Alteryx Admin API only works for Private Galleries.
The reason for building this wrapper is that the official Alteryx documentation has a jQuery dependency (this one doesn't) and can therefore more easily be used in modern front-end frameworks such as Angular, React and Vuejs.
To use this NPM module:
npm i alteryx-admin-api
Then, import it in your code:
import Gallery from "alteryx-admin-api";
Once imported, you'll need to create a new Gallery object like so:
function createGallery() {
const gallery = new Gallery(apilocation, apikey, apisecret);
return gallery;
You can grab the Location, Key and Secret from the API in your Alteryx Gallery by going to Settings - Keys. Make sure you enable the Admin API.
When you get the gallery object back. You'll have the following API methods (GET) available to you:
- Schedules - getSchedules()
- Users - getUsers()
- Collections - getCollections()
- Subscriptions - getSubscriptions()
- Insights - getInsights()
- Server Data Connections - getServerDataConnections()
- Workflows - getWorkflows()
- Packages: ability to download workflows, macros and analytic apps from the Gallery - getPackage(appId)
An example for getting back all the schedules in your gallery:
async function getGallerySchedules() {
const response = await createGallery().getSchedules();
const data = await response.json();
// do something with the data
I've been using this wrapper in combination with Parcel as a build tool and Parcel doesn't really play nice with async/await - you'll get some error messages in your browser console. One way of fixing it is by adding this line to your package.json file:
"browserslist": [
"last 1 Chrome version"