
Naruto API made with Express and mongodb/mongoose. Data was parsed from naruto.wikia.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an API that provides information concerning Naruto, the manga series written by Masashi Kishimoto.

The information was parsed from the fandom website naruto.wikia.com.

Technologies used

Production: Node, Express, note-fetch, node-html parser, mongodb, redis, heroku, moongoose, dotenv, he, doenv, React, ReactDOM, parcel

Development: jest, nodemon, supertest


All routes are GET routes.

  • /characters

Gets list of all characters and length of list.

  • /characters/:character

Gets a single character, includes information such as images, jutsus, description, affiliation and so forth.

  • /characters/affiliation/:affiliation

Gets list of characters of the specified affiliation (Akatsuki, Kara, etc). Try here

  • /characters/nature/:nature

Retrieves characters of the specified nature type.

  • /characters/rank/:rank

Retrieves characters of the specified rank.

  • /characters/kekkeiGenkai/:kekkeiGenkai

Gets list of characters of the specified kekkei genkai (Sharingan, Boil Release, etc). Try here

  • /characters/classification/:classification

Gets list of characters of the specified classification.

  • /clans

Gets list of all clans and length of list.

  • /clans:clan

Gets clan specified by parameter.

  • /clans/affiliation/:affiliation

Gets list of clans of the specified affiliation.

  • /jutsus

Gets list of all jutsu names and length of list.

  • /jutsus/:jutsu

Gets a single jutsu, includes information such as users, summary, photo, and so forth. Try here

  • /jutsus/nature/:nature

Retrieve list of jutsus of the specified nature type. Try here

  • /jutsus/classification/:classification

Retrieve list of jutsus of the specified classification. (Genjutsu, Taijutsu, etc)

  • /jutsus/rank/:rank

Retrieve list of jutsus of the specified rank. (S-rank, A-rank, etc)