
With this project we researched, implemented and analyzed different algorithms to effectively and efficiently solve an NP-Complete problem such as the Minimum Vertex Cover (MVC).

Primary LanguagePython

Algorithms to solve the Minimum Vertex Cover, a NP-Complete problem


With this project we researched, implemented and analyzed different algorithms to effectively and efficiently solve the Minimum Vertex Cover problem. We developed different algorithms and versions of them as to figure out which approaches are the most effective as well as the least costly in terms of computational power and time.


Problem name Description |V| |E| OPT
jazz.graph Jazz musicians network. List of edges of the network of Jazz musicians. 198 2742 158
karate.graph Zachary’s karate club: social network of friendships between 34 members of a karate club at a US univer- sity in the 1970s. 34 78 14
football.graph American College football: network of American foot- ball games between Division IA colleges during regu- lar season 115 613 94
as-22july06.graph Graph of the whole Internet: a symmetrized snapshot of the structure of the Internet at the level of autonomous systems, reconstructed from BGP tables 22963 48436 3303
hep-th.graph Weighted network of coauthorships between scientists 8361 15751 3926
star.graph Star-like structures of different graphs with different types 11023 62184 6902
star2.graph Star-like structures of different graphs with different types 14109 98224 4542
netscience.graph Coauthorship network of scientists working on net- work theory 1589 2742 899
email.graph List of edges of the network of e-mail interchanges between members of a university 1133 5451 594
delaunay n10.graph Delaunay triangulations of random points in the unit square 1024 3056 703
power.graph Network representing the topology of the Western States Power Grid 4941 6594 2203

Algorithms implemented and analyzed

  • Branch and Bound
  • Approximation
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Genetic Algorithm


See full report here



Running exec.py

To execute the code as set by the project requirements:
$ python -m exec -inst <filename> -alg [BnB|Approx|LS1|LS2] -time <cutoff in seconds> -seed <random seed>

Running exec.py on all graphs using all algorithms

To generate all solution and trace files from all algorithms running on all graphs:
$ python -m runner -inst <directory of graphs> -time <cutoff in seconds> -seed <random seed>


  • numpy
  • psutil


  • Andrea Covre
  • Zhaonan Liu
  • Shikai Jin
  • Yifan Ma