
Master degree project for Guiding Electromagnetic Systems course

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Guiding Electromagnetic Systems project

Project of "Guiding electromagnetic systems" course of Master Degree of Embedded Systems (Electronics Engineering) @ Polytecnic of Turin.


Using a circuit board dielectric material with 𝜀𝑟 = 4, ℎ = 2 mm, design a microstrip filter according to the specifications in Table 1. In particular:

  1. Design the prototype filter and apply the required frequency and impedance transformations (consider both a T and π network).
  2. Design the filter using the stepped-impedance technique with equal electric length transmission line segments (45°). Please allow a segment of input and output microstrip line for the connection to the connectors.
  3. Simulate the frequency response of the filter.
  4. Using AWR, print the GERBER file of both the top and the bottom layers of the microstrip circuit.
  5. Measure the frequency response of the filter (amplitude of S11 and S21).
Data Value
Filter type Low-pass
Response type Equal-ripple (0.5 dB)
f1 [GHz] 2.4
R0 [ohm] 50
Insertion loss [dB] @ f = 4.8 [GHz] > 30 dB