
University project in VHDL. In this project i develop a MIPS processor with pipeline.

Primary LanguageVHDLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The purpose of this project is to develop a MIPS processor with pipeline in VHDL.

Usage (linux users)

  1. First of all, install:
    • GHDL an open-source simulator for the VHDL language
    • GTKWave a wave viewer for Linux based on GTK+
  2. Run
    mkdir work wave
    chmod +x *.sh # make the file executable
    ./analysis.sh namefile.vhd # do it for all the files
    ./run.sh 5_complete_CPU_tb.vhd tb_completeCPU # start the simulation
  3. Try the CPU, change the instructions (look at the instruction set below) in instruction.dat and change value into registers and data memory for new results.

How the simulation works

At the first clock cycle, there is a reset of the program counter and all the pipelines. The instruction memory loads the instruction from the file instruction.dat and nothing happens. From the next clock cycle, the program counter goes to the next instruction or jumps to a particular instruction if there is a jump or a branch operation. The instruction memory gets the instruction to do (depends on the program counter). Any instruction needs four clock cycles to be executed because it is a pipeline architecture.

The program continues running until the instructions end (then it restarts from the first one) or the simulation ends (simulation time could be modified in run.sh). Data into instruction_memory, registers, and data memory components persists until it is overwritten or the simulation ends.


Implemented instructions:

Instruction Type Meaning
Add R $s1 = $s2 + $s3
Subtract R $s1 = $s2 - $s3
Add immediate I $s1 = $s2 + 100
Load Word I $s1 = Memory[$s2 + 100]
Store Word I Memory[$s1 + 100] = $s1
And R $s1 = $s2 & $s3
Or R $s1 = $s2
Nor R $s1 = ~($s2
And immediate I $s1 = $s2 & 100
Or immediate I $s1 = $s2
Shift left logical R $s1 = $s2 << 10
Shift right logical R $s1 = $s2 >> 10
Branch on equal I If ($s1 == $s2) go to PC + 4 + 100
Jump J Go to 10000


These are the codes format for all the possible operations.


Field opcode has 6 bit.
Fields register RS, RT, RD has 5 bit.
Field shift amount has 5 bit.
Field function has 6 bit.

Instruction opcode RS RT RD Shamt funct
Add 000000 Any Any Any don’t care 110000
Subtract 000000 Any Any Any don’t care 110001
And 000000 Any Any Any don’t care 110010
Or 000000 Any Any Any don’t care 110011
Nor 000000 Any Any Any don’t care 110100
Shft Left 000000 Any Any Any shift amount 110101
Shft Right 000000 Any Any Any shift amount 110110


Field opcode has 6 bit.
Fields register RS, RT has 5 bit.
Field address/value has 16 bit.

Instruction Opcode RS RT Address/value
Add immediate 001000 Any Any Value to add
And immediate 001001 Any Any Value to and
Or immediate 001010 Any Any Value to or
Load 010000 Any Any Address
Store 010001 Any Any Address
Branch 000100 Any Any Address


Field opcode has 6 bit.
Field address has 26 bit.

Instruction Opcode Address
Jump 000100 Address to go


Here all the components in details

  • 0_adder:
    • Sum two numbers of 32 bits, used for branching.
  • 0_mux:
    • Select two signals of variable dimension.
  • 0_shifter_left:
    • Shift a signal of variable dimension of a variable number of bits.
  • 1_program_counter:
    • Component for pointing to the next instruction.
  • 1_instruction_memory:
    • Component that gets the instruction to be executed.
  • 1_instuction.dat:
    • File with some possible instructions to do.
  • 1_pipeline:
    • First pipeline where to save data to get next clock cycle.
  • 1_block_CPU:
    • First macro block used to contains components before the first pipeline.
  • 2_control:
    • Component that gets the instruction and sets all flags in the CPU.
  • 2_registers:
    • Components of 32x32-bit register
  • 2_pipeline:
    • Second pipeline.
  • 2_sign_extended:
    • Components that extends 16 bit of instructions needed for I type instr.
  • 2_block_CPU:
    • Second Macro block that contains component between first and second pipeline
  • 3_ALU:
    • Arithmetical logical unit used for computing all operations.
  • 3_pipeline:
    • Third pipeline.
  • 3_block_CPU:
    • Third macro block with all components between second and third pipeline
  • 4_data_memory:
    • Memory where it is possible to store and load operations.
  • 4_pipeline:
    • Last pipeline.
  • 4_block_CPU:
    • Last macro block with all components between third and fourth pipeline
  • 5_complete_CPU:
    • The complete CPU where there are all the macro block.
  • 5_complete_CPU_tb:
    • Test bench for testing the CPU.