
Chef cookbooks for CloudFoundry: health_manager

Primary LanguageRuby


Install the Cloud Foundry health_manager, a mandatory component of a Cloud Foundry installation.



  • Ubuntu

Tested on:

  • Ubuntu 10.04
  • Ubuntu 12.04


  • cloudfoundry
  • rbenv


This cookbook will install the CloudFoundry Health Manager on the target node along with the necessary configuration files and init scripts to run it.


  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['install_path'] - Path to a directory that will hold the health_manager code. Defaults to /srv/cloudfoundry/health_manager.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['repo'] - Source repository for the health_manager code. Defaults to https://github.com/cloudfoundry/health_manager.git.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['reference'] - Git reference to use when fetching the health_manager code. Can be either a specific sha or a reference such as HEAD or master. Defaults to the latest version that was fully tested.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['log_level'] - The health_manager log level. Defaults to info".
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['log_file'] - Where to write the health_manager logs. Defaults to File.join(node['cloudfoundry']['log_dir'], "health_manager.log").
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['pid_file'] - Where to write the health_manager pid file. Defaults to File.join(node['cloudfoundry']['pid_dir'], "health_manager.pid").

You may also tune a few settings that control internal parameters of the algorithm. This is only recommended if you understand what you are doing. See the health_manager README for more information:

  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['expected_state_update'] - How often (in seconds) should the health_manager refresh its snapshot of the "expected state" of the system. Defaults to 60.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['droplet_lost'] - Time limit (in seconds) between heartbeats; if information on a droplet is not received, the droplet will be marked as missing. Defaults to 30.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['droplets_analysis'] - How often (in seconds) to run a complete ananlysis of all the running droplets. Defaults to 20.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['flapping_death'] - Limit number of crashes before marking an app as flapping. Defaults to 1.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['flapping_timeout'] - Time limit (in seconds) between consecutive crashes for the purpose of flap detection. Defaults to 180.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['restart_timeout'] - TODO: Find out what this does. Defaults to 20.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['min_restart_delay'] - Minimum wait (in seconds) before restarting a flapping instance. Defaults to 60.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['max_restart_delay'] - Maximum wait (in seconds) before restarting a flapping instance. Defaults to 480.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['giveup_crash_number'] - Maximum number of restarts for a flapping instance before giving up and stopping it. Defaults to 4.
  • node['cloudfoundry_health_manager']['interval']['stable_state'] - TODO: Find out what this does. Defaults to 20.

License and Author

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.