
Omnibus Chef updater

Primary LanguageRuby


Update your omnibus! This cookbook can install the omnibus Chef package into your system if you are currently running via gem install, and it can keep your omnibus install up to date.


Add the recipe to your run list and specify what version should be installed on the node:

knife node run_list add recipe[omnibus_updater]

In your role you'll likely want to set the version (it defaults to the 0.10.10 version of Chef):

  :omnibus_updater => {
    :version => '10.12.0.rc.1'

It can also uninstall Chef from the system Ruby installation if you tell it to:

  :omnibus_updater => {
    :remove_chef_system_gem => true

If you are using a Chef version earlier than 10.12.0 you may want to take a look at the chef_gem cookbook to ensure gems are going where expected.

The default recipe will install the omnibus package based on system information but you can override that by using the install_via attribute which accepts: deb, rpm or script.
