
This program plots on a graph the electronic variations around the atoms along an IRC calculation of a chemical reaction. From the out files generated by ELF calculation, that contain information about geometry, basin and values of them.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


How to cite:


Requested repositories:

  • GNU Sed (I tested with v4.2.2);
  • GNU Awk (I tested with v4.0.1);
  • Python 2.x (I tested with v2.7.6);
  • Gnuplot (I tested with v4.6).

How to install:

Use the installer "install.sh" and follow the instruction.

For manual installation create a folder, paste inside all files and create an alias that executes "main.sh" from that folder then insert an environmental variable writing: export EAAPpath="here the path where find files". Anyway, you can find more informations reading inside install.sh.

How to use:

Run the alias you setted up (whether you used the automatic installer or you did it manually)
into a folder that contains the out-files generated from ELF calculation.

The name of the file have to be with a part of your choosing, after this a dash and the progressive number from 1 to the last step (without interruptions) and after the number an underscore and the word "elf"

example: "name you prefer"-"number"_elf.out


  • Extract geometry of atoms and basins from the out-files generated;
  • Extract values for each basin;
  • Create association between basin/s and atom/s;
  • Divide in different files the interactions between atoms and values in each point;
  • Clean useless interaction (the ones that don't suffer variations);
  • Plot with lines the values in a graph, giving different options about the elaboration.

Ideas and future improvements in the subsequent versions:

  • Possibility to set the cutoff-value for the distance atom-basin (now 1A default) and a checker for bad values;
  • Possibility to set the cutoff-value for the graph cleaner that deletes useless lines (now the default variation is 0.2);
  • Implementation of the choice to have a gap between steps bigger than the value one;
  • Molecule viewer to save the geometry with basins of the important steps;
  • Make it like a software suite with an UI (this is one of the reasons that it's divided in different parts with a principal menu); ...
  • Implementation of native ELF caculation from wfn files???? (The most difficult right now...).