
Repository della Prova Finale di Ingengeria del Software

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Prova Finale di Ingengeria del Software



Implemented features

  • Regole complete
  • CLI
  • GUI
  • Socket
  • 2 Advanced Features
    • Multiple matches
    • Advanced gods

Project structure

Final version of the project is in /delieveries/final/ directory.


Compiling the project

  1. Make sure you have Java and Maven installed.

  2. Clone this repo:

    git clone git@github.com:ferrohd/ing-sw-2020-ferrara-franchini-fusco.git
  3. Install the required dependencies to the local maven repository by running this script:

    • Windows: ./install-maven-dependencies.bat

    • Unix: ./install-maven-dependencies.sh

  4. Compile the project with maven using:

    mvn package
  5. The two jar (santorini-client.jar and santorini-server.jar) are in the /target directory.

Compiling Javadoc

In order to generate the documentation, you can simply run the following command:

mvn javadoc:javadoc

The output directory will be in the /target directory.

Running the jars

Once you've acquired the jar files, either by compiling them yourself or downloading them from the delieveries/final/jar/ directory on GitHub, you can run them the usual way:

  • To start the server, use:

    java -jar santorini-server.jar
  • To start the client, use:

    java -jar santorini-server.jar

Client options

If you need to change the client default server address or want to play with the CLI version, you have two options:

Using a settings file

By default, the client will look for a file called settings.txt in the same folder of the jar file. You can create the file yourself and copy the following settings.

interface: gui
port: 42069

Replace gui with cli if you want to start the CLI insted of the GUI.

Using the flags

Otherwise, you can use the following flags to override the default configs or even the settings.txt file:

  • --gui starts the GUI.

  • --cli starts the CLI.

  • --address <address> specify the server address (IP or URL).

  • --port <port> speficy the server port (a number). Default one is 42069.

  • --config <path to settings> specify a custom path to a settings.txt file.