
💵 SC for ERC20 lock distribution with airdropped ERC20 withdraw functionality

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TokenLocker and TokenTimelock

The project contains:

SampleToken: sample StandardBurnableToken ERC20 token to be used as locked token.

AirdropToken: sample StandardToken ERC20 token to be used as accidentaly airdropped token.

TokenTimelock: OpenZeppelin contract for token lock. (just for test / learning purposes)

TokenLocker: my implementation for token lock and multiple release. The contract provide also a function invokable only by the owner to withdraw eventually ERC20 dropped in.

System used

  • node v9.10.1
  • npm 5.8.0


  • $ npm i

Set env

  • $ source set_path.sh


The mainet migration will deploy only the TokenLocker contract using as params the config file present in the config folder.
Copy the sample into an actually .js file and fill it with your needs.

  • $ cd config
  • $ cp config.js.sample config.js

Available networks

  • development
  • parity (usage needs to be granted)
  • ropsten (using infura and a metamask account)
  • mainet (needs a parity synced local node + ledger)

Run local node

  • $ npm run ganache


  • $ npm run migrate:dev


  • $ npm run test:dev

Development scripts

Useful javascript scripts for lock simulation based on the locking contract

For OpenZeppelin contract:

  • $ npm run send:timelock send 20 ERC20 tokens to TokenTimelock
  • $ npm run release:timelock release to the migrated beneficiary the 20 ERC20 tokens
  • $ npm run balance:timelock get the balances of the actors

For TokenLocker contract:

  • npm run send:sample:locker send 20 ERC20 tokens to TokeLocker
  • npm run send:airdrop:locker send 20 ERC20 tokens to TokeLocker
  • npm run release:locker let one of the beneficiary claim its tokens
  • npm run withdraw let the TokenLocker owner withdraw airdropped tokens
  • npm run balance:locker get the balances of the actors