
A stupid discord shitposting bot for our server.

Primary LanguagePython

Discord shitposter

this discord bot scrapes randomly out of N 4chan boards & N threads then dumps either an img, webm or gif to your server.


Your python env must satisfy the dependencies in requirements.txt, if you're using anaconda you can automatically create an env with all the correct deps using the included yml env configurator.

conda env create -f shitpostbot_env.yml

this will automatically create a shitpost_bot environment, which you can activate with

conda activate shitpost_bot


First you have to create your bot using Discord's developer applet, just follow this guide: really nice guide You have to compile a .yml configuration file like the included config/config_ex.yml

    channelid: channel_id
    token: token
        - a
        - b
        - c
        - vg
        - c
        - r9k
        - mlp
        - wsg

You have to fill in your channel's ID and your token. warning: do not share your token with anyone or commit it to your repo: bot tokens are powerful tools.


To start your shitposting bot just type

python bot.py -f myconfig.yml

If you ever get confused about the arguments just type

python bot.py -h

Have a nice shitposting day and don't forget your oats.

Run with Docker

To run the bot with docker, just change the config file name inside the Dockerfile then Build the image. Once the image is built, run the image with the given tag and you're ready to go. Example: docker run shitpostbot:latest