
Script to interact with the DialoGPT models.

Primary LanguagePython


Script to interact with the DialoGPT models.

How to use it?

Clone the DialoGPT repo and add the interact.py into the main directory. Then run:

python interact.py --model_name_or_path ./models/medium --load_checkpoint ./models/medium/medium_ft.pkl --top_k 0

The script will download the model directly. This code is based on Hugging Face ConvAI interactive script, thus you can use both --top_k or --top_p. I played a bit and with --top_k 1 the model works quite well. You can also set the dialogue history length using --max_history, if it is set to -2 it will just use the last utterance.


This is third-party reproduction of the decoding script.