Question Dependent Recurrent Entity Network

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Question Dependent Recurrent Entity Network (QDREN)

This is a TensorFlow implementation of the Question Dependent Recurrent Entity Network (QDREN), which is a model based on the Recurrent Entity Network [Henaff]. We named our model Question Dependent Recurrent Entity Network since our main contribution is to include the question into the memorization process. The following figure shows an overview of the QDREN model. We tested our model using 2 datasets: bAbI tasks [Peng] with 1K samples, and CNN news article [Hermann]. In the bAbI task 1K sample, we successfully passed 12 tasks.

Different implementations of the original Recurrent Entity Network are available online. The original, that uses Torch 7, is available here, and another one which also uses TensorFlow, and helped a lot in our implementation, is available here.


If you wish to reuse the QDREN model, please properly cite the following paper:

  title={Question Dependent Recurrent Entity Network for Question Answering},
  author={Madotto, Andrea and Attardi, Giuseppe},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.07922},


The data used for the experiments are available at:

The dataset must be downloaded and save it in the data folder (on the right data folder). Moreover, you have to download in the data folder the glove embeddings (http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.6B.zip)

User guide


I run the code using Python 2.7 but should also work with Python 3. Then the following python package must be installed:

pip install numpy
pip install tensorflow
pip install tflearn
pip install logging
pip install sklearn
pip install scipy
pip install pandas
pip install seaborn
pip install matplotlib
pip install tqdm
pip install imageio

How to run the code

The code is separated into two folders depending on which dataset we are running. In both folders, we have a file for running the model selection run.py and one to test the model run_final.py. The latter trains the model with the best hyper-parameters and at the same time checks the accuracy of the test set at each epoch.

In the run.py is possible to select which hyper-parameters to test. For instance adding parameters in this dic:

    param_grid = {'nb': [20], ## number of memory blocks 
                  'lr': [0.01,0.001,0.0001],
                  'tr': [[1,1,0,0]], ## mask => [pretrain_emb,train/no_train, None, None]
                  'L2': [0.001,0.0001],
                  'bz': [64], ## batch size
                  'dr': [0.5],
                  'mw': [150], ## number of window / or sentences in case the input are sents
                  'w' : [3,4,5], ## window size
                  'op': ['Adam']

In case you wanna run the original Entity Network you need to change the import in 'src/EN.py' from from memories.DMC_query import DynamicMemoryCell to simply from memories.DMC import DynamicMemoryCell.

Moreover, if you run the bAbi task you need to select which task to run. For example, to run task 3:

python run.py 3


In case you are running the bAbI task, you can visualize the activation of the gating function. In it is enough to add a plot folder in the data folder. Then each 10 epoch you will see a pdf file showing the plot. Until now I suggest to use it with a task with no more than 10 sentences, else the label in y-axes will overlap. By default, the visualization is done with the last Validation sample. There is also a script for creating a gif with the saved images. An example of the visualization is shown in the following (Task 1 bAbI).

Question Dependent Recurrent Entity Network QDREN

Recurrent Entity Network REN

Heatmap representing the gating function result for each memory block. In the y-axes represents the memory block number (20 in this example), in the x-axes, there are the sentences in the input divided into time steps, and at the top, there is the question to be answered. Darker colour means a gate more open (values close to 1) and lighter colour means the gate less open


bAbI 1K

Comparisons between n-gram, LSTM, QDREN, REN and End To End Memory Network (MemN2N). All the results have been taken from the original articles where they were first presented. In bold we highlight the task in which we greatly outperform the other models.

Task n-gram LSTM MemN2N REN QDREN
1 64.0 50.0 0.0 0.7 0.0
2 98.0 80.0 8.3 56.4 67.6
3 93.0 80.0 40.3 69.7 60.8
4 50.0 39.0 2.8 1.4 0.0
5 80.0 30.0 13.1 4.6 2.0
6 51.0 52.0 7.6 30.0 29.0
7 48.0 51.0 17.3 22.3 0.7
8 60.0 55.0 10.0 19.2 2.5
9 38.0 36.0 13.2 31.5 4.8
10 55.0 56.0 15.1 15.6 3.8
11 71.0 28.0 0.9 8.0 0.6
12 91.0 26.0 0.2 0.8 0.0
13 74.0 6.0 0.4 9.0 0.0
14 81.0 73.0 1.7 62.9 15.8
15 80.0 79.0 0.0 57.8 0.3
16 57.0 77.0 1.3 53.2 52.0
17 54.0 49.0 51.0 46.4 37.4
18 48.0 48.0 11.1 8.8 10.1
19 10.0 92.0 82.8 90.4 85.0
20 24.0 9.0 0.0 2.6 0.2
Failed Tasks (≥ 5%) 20 20 11 15 8
Mean Error: 65.9 50.8 13.9 29.6 18.6

Cnn news article

To check whether our QDREN could improve the existent REN and whether the window-based approach makes any difference in comparison with plain sentences, we separately trained four different models:

  • REN + SENT: original model with sentences as input

  • REN + WIND: original model using the window-based input

  • QDREN + SENT: our proposed model with sentences as input

  • QDREN + WIND: our proposed model using window-based input

Then we also compare our results with Max Freq., Frame-semantic model, Word distance, Standford Attentive Reader (AR), LSTM reader (LSTM), Attentive Reader, End To End Memory Network (MemN2N), and Attention Over Attention (AoA). All the results have been taken from the original articles where they were first presented.

Validation 42.0 38.0 39.9 59.1
Test 42.0 40.1 39.7 62.8
Max Freq. Frame-semantic Word distance Standford AR
Validation 30.5 36.3 50.5 72.5
Test 33.2 40.2 50.9 72.7
LSTM Att. Reader MemN2N AoA
Validation 55.0 61.6 63.4 73.1
Test 57.0 63.0 66.8 74.4


  • [Henaff] Henaff, Mikael, et al. "Tracking the World State with Recurrent Entity Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03969 (2016)

  • [Peng] Peng, Baolin, et al. "Towards neural network-based reasoning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.05508 (2015).

  • [Hermann] Hermann, Karl Moritz, et al. "Teaching machines to read and comprehend." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2015.