A custom modal transition that presents and dismiss a controller with an expanding bubble effect.
- 6
- 6
Is it possible to accept gesture while animating?
#57 opened by s951736 - 4
It is possible to use this library to add child view controller to a container view?
#58 opened by Senocico - 1
Support Swift Packages Manager
#63 opened by asam139 - 2
about `UIStatusBarStyle`
#61 opened by birdmichael - 2
- 4
Cannot use BubbleInteractiveTransition
#56 opened by lyx0124 - 16
- 0
Any chance of navigation instead of presenting?
#55 opened by asar1 - 1
- 1
update for swift 4.2?
#52 opened by alexookah - 0
#51 opened by StellarKuldeep - 1
Swift4 + ObjC
#47 opened by andymartinwork - 6
- 2
- 1
can't dismiss viewcontroller in ios12
#50 opened by IvanGzx - 6
swift 4?
#43 opened by dimabiserov - 4
Swipe down to dismiss
#46 opened by ryandailey100 - 1
present two viewControllers at once
#40 opened by pbeneteau - 1
Github says this project's language is Shell
#34 opened by brightfuture - 1
Multiple button animation
#37 opened by Mahipal-codzgarage - 4
Improvement: Add a background image for the bubble as an alternative of bubbleColor
#42 opened by LouisBorlee - 5
self.transitioningDelegate not retained
#38 opened by acegreen - 1
I put `transmissionMode = .dismiss` in present mode and shows black. (Swift3, xCode8)
#32 opened by ahikmatf - 1
what should be added if i have 2 button?
#31 opened by ahikmatf - 7
- 3
Segue To Storyboard Reference
#25 opened by acegreen - 1
- 5
Issue on Swift 3 and Xcode 8
#26 opened by BilalReffas - 1
#23 opened by joshharington - 1
minimum deployment target
#22 opened by jiahao1994 - 3
Setup with Carthage unable to build
#21 opened by planath - 2
- 7
#7 opened by pigeondotdev - 23
Transition lag?
#14 opened by acegreen - 26
- 1
#13 opened by 99centsappdevelopment - 8
How can I use this as a menu?
#10 opened by AbdullahAli - 1
#9 opened by JDandini - 6
Objective-C instructions
#5 opened by magnett - 1
yeah, like material design
#1 opened by xu6148152