- 1
- 3
Badge on menu items?
#89 opened by pnome - 2
#85 opened by chrux - 4
change the first view controller presented
#81 opened by tharrington - 2
Navigation Controller subclass
#84 opened by bastich1 - 0
- 1
IOS 8 Issue with slideoutController
#78 opened - 2
popping to rootview controller
#75 opened by tharrington - 1
- 0
Preserve navigation\state of viewControllers
#79 opened by rasmas - 1
options for insetY
#67 opened by antonioreyna - 7
clang error in Xcode 5.1
#73 opened by mehfuzh - 2
Adding the menu behind UISplitViewController
#72 opened by scascacha - 4
18 pixels missing
#68 opened by antonioreyna - 1
Highlighted/Selection textColor and Icon
#70 opened by chrux - 2
tableview loses selection while scrolling
#69 opened by antonioreyna - 1
- 1
AMOptionsUseBorderedButton behaves differently
#65 opened by mehfuzh - 1
Translucent navigation bar in iOS 7
#64 opened by mehfuzh - 6
- 15
Table won't scroll past certain point
#60 opened by drallgood - 2
Adding Right Bar Button
#61 opened by royemi - 1
iAd integration
#59 opened by tellytart - 4
Don't override iOS 7 gestures or how to disable gestures within navigation controllers?
#57 opened by aksonov - 5
Jumping on transition
#55 opened by donaciano - 11
How to remove the status bar (in IOS7) ?
#47 opened by iesta - 4
slideout looks grey in ios7
#52 opened by kashifzaidi1 - 2
Disable AMOptionsEnableGesture just in one view
#51 opened by jyap808 - 2
iconSlide button badge total
#48 opened by tfearn - 2
Manipulating Navigation "on the fly"
#46 opened by alexdd55 - 7
Landscape mode doesn't work in iOS 5.1
#42 opened by FredzL - 5
Random gap at the top of the views
#39 opened by iesta - 2
AMOptionsCellBackground and clearColor
#44 opened by iesta - 3
- 2
Doesn't work under XCode 5, but iOS 6.* simulator
#43 opened by aksonov - 7
Option to disable scrolling in the menu
#33 opened by FredzL - 13
- 2
Customize table view cells
#38 opened by darrenli912 - 5
Programmatically pop slidenavigation controller?
#36 opened by aksonov - 7
Weird crash in AMSlideTableCell in iOS 7
#29 opened by drallgood - 4
Badge is not displayed?
#34 opened by aksonov - 5
Slide animation
#30 opened by iesta - 3
Separator lines between menu entries
#32 opened by FredzL - 3
- 12
Remove/Clear menu items for a section
#15 opened by drallgood - 2
- 1
- 2
Icon Image: Static file reference doesn't allow for dynamic loading of vector formats.
#18 opened by jackman0 - 2
Scroll to top doesn't work
#17 opened by markonikolovski - 1
leftview table setion positon error.
#16 opened by iamdaiyuan