
ml-project-1-gan created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

Review Assignment Due Date

CS 433 - Project 1

Team GAN - Gabriel Dehame, Andrea Miele, Nicolas Moyne

Repository organization

  • helpers.py is the provided file to load the dataset and create submissions
  • implementations.py implements the ML methods of Step 2
  • score.py implements functions to calculate the quality of a model (f1_score, accuracy)
  • preprocessing.py implements our preprocessing which removes useless features, computes through an ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) the most impactful features and thus those to keep in priority. The ANOVA is implemented in anova_selection.py. It also performs an oversampling and undersampling to cope with the unbalanced dataset, these are implemented in OverUnderSampling.py.
  • utils.py implements utilitary methods train models such as build_poly computing polynomial extensions, standardize standardizing data or predict computing the prediction for a given model and given datapoints It also contains a logistic regression with newton's method, cross-validation, local search and KNN but we ended up not using them because it was too slow and/or lead to strange results so they might be bugged.
  • finetuning.py implements the tuning of the hyperparameters for the models we compared.
  • run.py reproduces the training of the best performing model we've trained. For it to work, the dataset must be installed in a folder dataset/
  • f_scores_after_strat105_500.csv is a file containing the precomputed ANOVA scores for the features of the dataset to avoid recomputing it each time as it's slow

Best submission

The best submission on AICrowd is submission #243500, which is reproduced in run.py We also got a F1 of 0.437 in submission #240074 on AICrowd. Unfortunately, the algorithm was not seeded and is therefore difficult to reproduce.