Android Technical Challenge

Create an app that renders the poligon of a given zip code and fill the fields related to an address

Your solution must:

  • Look as close to the design as you can make it; ensure you pay attention to detail
  • Have code that you consider to be of production quality
  • Use this to fetch the geoJSON data of a given zip code
  • Use this to fetch zip code settlements and details
  • Render the geoJSON data of the zip code into a google map frame
  • Fill the fields related to the address after fetch the zip code data from the service above
  • Catch the errors when the service returns an error code

Note: the poligons are just available for Mexico City

Feel free to add comments explaining any decisions you've made that are note worthy in the code, alternatively you can add a README file with more details if you think it will help explain your solution design decisions.