
4th Homework for Software Carpentry

Primary LanguagePython


4th Weekly Challenge for Software Carpentry

For this Weekly Challenge this were the instructions:

Part 1

  1. Make a new repository titled “CHEME 5500 WC 4”.
  2. Write a python script called “hello.py” that simply prints “Hello World” to the terminal, and add that to the master branch.
  3. Make a new “gh-pages” branch.
  4. Empty the gh-pages branch (make sure “hello.py” is still in your master branch!).
  5. Add “index.html” and “.nojekyll” to your “gh-pages” branch. Note, “.nojekyll” is empty; however, you can put whatever HTML you want in “index.html”.
  6. Push this branch to origin (command line: git push origin gh-pages)
  7. Checkout your new website! URL: username.github.io/CHEME 5500 WC 4 (where username is YOUR username).

Part 2

  1. Return to the master branch of “CHEME 5500 WC 4”.
  2. Write a python script called “mundaneMath.py” that adds together all the even numbers between 1 and 100, and prints to the terminal. Add that to the master branch.
  3. Change your README.md to be interesting and descriptive of your project.
  4. Go to settings, and change your GitHub Pages source to the Master branch.
  5. Go to settings, and select a Jekyll theme.
  6. Checkout your new website! URL: username.github.io/CHEME 5500 WC 4 (where username is YOUR username).

Here is a cute unicorn to make the README more interesting

alt text