- Make a new repository titled “CHEME 5500 WC 4”.
- Write a python script called “hello.py” that simply prints “Hello World” to the terminal, and add that to the master branch.
- Make a new “gh-pages” branch.
- Empty the gh-pages branch (make sure “hello.py” is still in your master branch!).
- Add “index.html” and “.nojekyll” to your “gh-pages” branch. Note, “.nojekyll” is empty; however, you can put whatever HTML you want in “index.html”.
- Push this branch to origin (command line: git push origin gh-pages)
- Checkout your new website! URL: username.github.io/CHEME 5500 WC 4 (where username is YOUR username).
- Return to the master branch of “CHEME 5500 WC 4”.
- Write a python script called “mundaneMath.py” that adds together all the even numbers between 1 and 100, and prints to the terminal. Add that to the master branch.
- Change your README.md to be interesting and descriptive of your project.
- Go to settings, and change your GitHub Pages source to the Master branch.
- Go to settings, and select a Jekyll theme.
- Checkout your new website! URL: username.github.io/CHEME 5500 WC 4 (where username is YOUR username).