- 1
How to query templates table within mailer ?
#73 opened by dekhaus - 2
Adding criteria to find_model_templates
#43 opened by asecondwill - 2
Is this repo still maintained?
#69 opened by t3k4y - 4
- 13
Changes in views in database are ignored in production until Rails is restarted
#18 opened by pbartel - 1
Scoping templates by theme in a CMS
#38 opened by vitobotta - 2
[bug] assure format is a symbol
#28 opened by pragmaticsc - 0
Support for Rails 5
#26 opened by mayeco - 4
- 1
how to ignore locale?
#20 opened by 0910 - 1
Gem release
#19 opened by liamdawson - 1
- 1
Some Help?
#15 opened by burtondav - 1
- 1
- 2
Add support for Travis CI
#5 opened by alto - 7
Rails dependency
#3 opened by jocubeit - 1
Minor Documentation glitch
#1 opened by frankf-cgn