A simple Kubernetes client-go application that creates and patches imagePullSecrets to service accounts in all Kubernetes namespaces to allow cluster-wide authenticated access to private container registry.
To install imagepullsecret-patcher, can refer to deploy-example as a quick-start.
Below is a table of available configurations:
Config name | ENV | Command flag | Default value | Description |
force | CONFIG_FORCE | -force | true | overwrite secrets when not match |
debug | CONFIG_DEBUG | -debug | false | show DEBUG logs |
all service account | CONFIG_ALLSERVICEACCOUNT | -allserviceaccount | false | if false, patch just default service account; if true, list and patch all service accounts |
dockerconfigjson | CONFIG_DOCKERCONFIGJSON | -dockerconfigjson | "" | json credential for authenicating container registry |
secret name | CONFIG_SECRETNAME | -secretname | "image-pull-secret" | name of managed secrets |
excluded namespaces | CONFIG_EXCLUDED_NAMESPACES | -excluded-namespaces | "" | comma-separated namespaces excluded from processing |
And here are the annotations available:
Annotation | Object | Description |
k8s.titansoft.com/imagepullsecret-patcher-exclude | namespace | If a namespace is set this annoation with "true", it will be excluded from processing by imagepullsecret-patcher. |
To deploy private images to Kubernetes, we need to provide the credential to the private docker registries in either
- Pod definition (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#specifying-imagepullsecrets-on-a-pod)
- Default service account in a namespace (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#add-imagepullsecrets-to-a-service-account)
With the second approach, a Kubernetes cluster admin configures the default service accounts in each namespace, and a Pod deployed by developers automatically inherits the image-pull-secret from the default service account in Pod's namespace.
This is done manually by following command for each Kubernetes namespace.
kubectl create secret docker-registry image-pull-secret \
-n <your-namespace> \
--docker-server=<your-registry-server> \
--docker-username=<your-name> \
--docker-password=<your-pword> \
kubectl patch serviceaccount default \
-p "{\"imagePullSecrets\": [{\"name\": \"image-pull-secret\"}]}" \
-n <your-namespace>
And it could be automated with a simple program like imagepullsecret-patcher.
Development Environment
- Go 1.13