
A minimal grid system for React




Part of the motiviation was to learn how to build and publish my own NPM package

As a starting point I used this article.


You can install the package and use it in your project with:

npm i @andreas.groos/tic-tac-toe


yarn add @andreas.groos/tic-tac-toe `


At the moment there are only 2 components, TRow and TCol.

const App = () => (
  <div style={{ height: "100vh" }}>
    <TRow fillHeight>
      <TCol centered>

TRow props

Prop Name type possible values Description
justifyContent string start/flex-start, end/flex-end, between/space-between, around/space-around,evenly/space-evenly emulates justify-content
alignItems string start/flex-start, end/flex-end, center, stretch, baseline/base emulates align-items
fillHeight boolean true, false if true fills height of parent container
centered boolean true, false centers children horizontally and vertically

TCol props

Prop Name type possible values Description
centered boolean true, false centers element in parent div
fillWidth boolean true, false if true fills full available width