Project 02805 - Social graphs and interactions

The github repository is made as a part of the final exam project for the course 02805, Social graphs and interactions, at DTU during the fall of 2020.

The project is presented on the webpage. While all analysis are showed and explained in depth in the main_TheExplainerNotebook.ipynb.

The structure of the repository is explained below:

├── data 
│   ├── graphs					<- networkx graphs
│   │   ├── G_ARTGen.graphml
│   │   ├── G_final.graphml
│   │	├── G_final_sentiment.graphml
│   │	└── G_uNW.graphml
│   ├── other_files				<- data files used for the notebooks
│   │   ├── artist_song_id.json
│   │   ├── df_artist_info.pkl
│   │   ├── df_song_info.pkl
│   │   ├── genre_text.json
│   │   ├── genre_text.json
│   │	├── song_sentiment.json
│   │	└── song_year.json
│   ├── sentiment			
│   │   └── Data_set_S1.txt		          <- file used to calculated sentiment of words
│   └── network.json
├── src		
│   ├── analysis				
│   │   ├── data_preparation.ipynb		  <- notebook to prepare data for the analysis
│   │   ├── network_artists.ipynb		  <- notebook to prepare and filter the network before analysis
│   │	└── useful_functions.ipynb		  <- notebook with functions used through out the notebooks
│   └── data
│   │   ├── scraper-genius.ipynb		  <- notebook used for extracting song lyrics from Genius
│   │   ├── scraper-spotify.ipynb		  <- notebook used for extracting information from Spotify
│   │	└── scraper-wikipedia.ipynb		  <- notebook used to retrieve list of artists
├── main_TheExplainerNotebook.ipynb		  <- main explainer notebook where all analysis is showed and explained.
├── main_TheExplainerNotebook.html		  <- main explainer notebook as html
└── requirements.txt

Due to datalimitations smaller datafiles can be found under the 'data/' folder. The bulk of the data can only be downloaded from sharepoint due to data limitations on github.


  • Andreas Kaae, s154395
  • Silvia De Sojo, s192374
  • Pietro Rampazzo, s203257