
nim wrapper for htslib for parsing genomics data files

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT



Build Status

This is a wrapper for htslib in nim.

Nim is a fast, garbage-collected language that compiles to C and has a syntax that's not too different to python.

If you use this library, please cite the paper

This library is under active development. Though it's been in use for some time and I have been using it nearly every day for script-like tasks, the API may change. If it does, old methods will be deprecated so users have time to update.


See Section Below


Examples of hts-nim tools are available in the hts-nim-tools repo

below are examples of the syntax in this library see the docs for more info:


import hts

# open a bam and look for the index.
var b:Bam
open(b, "tests/HG02002.bam", index=true)

for record in b:
  if record.qual > 10u:
    echo record.chrom, record.start, record.stop

# regional queries:
for record in b.query("6", 30816675, 32816675):
  if record.flag.proper_pair and record.flag.reverse:
    # cigar is an iterable of operations:
    for op in record.cigar:
      # $op gives the string repr of the operation, e.g. '151M'
      echo $op, op.consumes.reference, op.consumes.query

    # tags are pulled with `aux`
    var mismatches = rec.aux("NM")
    if mismatches != nil and mismatches.asInt.get < 3:
      var rg = rec.aux("RG")
      echo rg.asString

# cram requires an fasta to decode:
var cram:Bam
open(cram, "/tmp/t.cram", fai="/data/human/g1k_v37_decoy.fa")
for record in cram:
  # now record is same as from bam above
  echo record.qname, record.isize


import hts

var tsamples = @["101976-101976", "100920-100920", "100231-100231", "100232-100232", "100919-100919"]

# VCF and BCF supported
var v:VCF
assert open(v, "tests/test.bcf", samples=tsamples)

var afs = new_seq[float32](5) # size doesn't matter. this will be re-sized as needed
var acs = new_seq[int32](5) # size doesn't matter. this will be re-sized as needed
var csq = new_string_of_cap(20)
for rec in v:
  echo rec, " qual:", rec.QUAL, " filter:", rec.FILTER
  var info = rec.info
  # accessing stuff from the INFO field is meant to be as fast as possible, allowing
  # the user to re-use memory as needed.
  info.strings("CSQ", csq)
  info.ints("AC", acs)
  info.floats("AF", afs)
  echo acs, afs, csq, info.has_flag("IN_EXAC")

  # accessing format fields is similar
  var format = ref.format
  var dps = new_seq[int32](len(v.samples))
  assert format.ints("DP", dps)
  echo dps

echo v.samples

# open a VCF for writing
var wtr:VCF
open(wtr, "tests/outv.vcf", mode="w")
# set and write the header.
wtr.header = v.header
assert wtr.write_header()

# regional queries look for index. works for VCF and BCF
for rec in v.query("1:15600-18250"):
  echo rec.CHROM, ":", $rec.POS
  # adjust some values in the INFO
  var val = 22.3
  check rec.info.set("VQSLOD", val) == Status.OK
  assert wtr.write_variant(rec)

  check rec.info.delete("CSQ") == Status.OK


bgzip with csi

A nice thing that is facilitated with this library is creating a .csi index while writing sorted intervals to a file. This can be done as:

import hts
# arguments are 1-based seq-col, start-col, end-col and whether the intervals are 0-based.
var bx = wopen_bgzi("ti.txt.gz", 1, 2, 3, true)
# some duplication of args to avoid re-parsing. args are line, chrom, start, end
check bx.write_interval("a\t4\t10", "a", 4, 10) > 0
check bx.write_interval("b\t2\t20", "b", 2, 20) > 0
check bx.close() == 0

After this, ti.txt.gz.csi will be usable by tabix.

Setup / Installation

hts-nim requires that htslib is installed and the shared library is available (use LD_LIBRARY_PATH if it is not in a standard location).

If you use docker, you can use one of these images to get Nim installed.

Or you can copy the Dockerfile from this repo

If you don't use docker, you can use choosenim to quickly install Nim and nimble.

Users can also either follow or run scripts/simple-install.sh which sets up Nim and nimble ready for use and shows the needed adjustments to $PATH.

Once Nim is set up, hts-nim can be installed with nimble install -y from the root of this repository.

In all cases, it's recommended to use nim version 0.17.2 which is the latest release.

Then, from this repo you can run nimble test and nimble install and then you can save the above snippets into some.nim and run them with nim c -d:release -r some.nim. This will run them and save an executable named some.