
Sphinx domain intended to document registers of embedded controllers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


WIP, no APIs are "stable" in any sense

Sphinx domain to document embedded hardware SFRs. Adds a hwreg domain to track register descriptions and link to them.


Install via pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/andreasWallner/sphinx-hwreg.git#<version hash that you want>

Add to your sphinx build by extending you conf.py with:

import sphinx_hwreg
extensions = [

To get nice visuals for the register field tables, a custom CSS needs to be added. For an example have a look at example/register-graphic.css. Copy this to your static html folder and add via:

html_static_path = ['_static']
html_css_files = [


A short overview for the current directives:


Generates a full listing of all registers in a module, style depending on type.

Provide the name of the BusComponent as a parameter.


  • filename path to the yaml file to load, relative to the documentation root dir
  • type style to use, either fancy or short
  • noanchor if present no anchors are generated - use this if the automodule is used as a second listing (e.g. in a register overview) so that links can go to a fuller description.
  • nowarn do not generate a warning for e.g. a register w/o and fields


.. hwreg:automodule:: PWM
   :filename: _generated/pwm.yaml
   :type: short


Short list of all registers, linking to the register description if it exists. Does not contain any information about the fields of the module.

Provide the name of the BusComponent as a parameter.


  • filename path to the yaml file to load, relative to the documentation root dir


.. hwreg:automodulesummary:: PWM
   :filename: _generated/pwm.yaml


Generate register field graphic and field listing for a single register.

Provide the name of the BusComponent and Register as a parameter.


  • filename path to the yaml file to load, relative to the documentation root dir
  • noanchor if present no anchors are generated - use this if the automodule is used as a second listing (e.g. in a register overview) so that links can go to a fuller description.


.. hwreg:autoreg:: PWM::level0
   :filename: _generated/pwm.yaml

Example manual usage

To use the module for cross references only, directives and roles exist to add registers to the hwreg domain.

.. hwreg:define-reg:: Status (radio::status, 0x0014)

   .. ext-table:: Some text...

      * - :hwreg:define-bf:`TX <radio::status>`
        - this is another
      * - foo
        - bar

   This would then be a text that should also be inside the directive

Somewhere else we can link back to the register :hwreg:register:`radio::status` with it's :hwreg:bitfield:`radio::status::TX`