Vehicle Mileage Projection
Getting started
This project is mostly based on tests, since it has no practical application at the moment.
First, the requirements must be installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once that is done, you can run all the tests with the following commannd:
python -m unittest -v
UnitTest will autodiscover the tests and run them. They are mainly aimed at verifying the functionality of the Vehicle class in src/models.
Generating fakes
In order to properly test and execute the model, I've implemented a method that generates a test vehicle with some test timeline events.
You can find it in Vehicle::generate_fake_vehicle(). This allowed me to perform thorough tests of the system without manual data entry.
In order to execute a trial run of vehicle generation and mileage projection, you can run from the main dir:
This will generate roughly 250 ranndom vehicles and estimate the mileage at the current date.
- Better code comments and documentation
- Test on real data instead of fakes
- Compare projected results on actual vehicle data to evaluate accuracy
- A few more tests on the Vehicle class to ensure stability