By: Andreas Chandra
- Python for Data Science
- Data Manipulation using Pandas
- Data Visualization using Matplotlib and Seaborn
- Data Analysis and EDA Use Case 1
- Data Analysis and EDA Use Case 2
- Interactive Visualization using Dash / Plotly
- Introduction to Database Management System
- Basic SQL for Data Analysis
- Intermediate SQL for Data Analysis
- Advanced SQL for Data Analysis
- Big Data Analysis using BigQuery
- Introduction to Statistics
- Descriptive Statistics
- Data & Sampling Distributions
- Statistical Experiments & Significant Testing
- Label Encoder
- OneHot Encoder
- Feature Engineering
- Regression
- Tree Approach
- Naive Bayes
- Support Vector Machine
- Ensemble Methods (Bagging, Boosting, Voting)
- K-Means
- Hierarchical Clustering
- Confusion Matrix
- Accuracy
- Precision
- Recall
- F-Score
- Hamming Loss
- Silhouette score
- Elbow (Not sure)
- Introduction to Deep Learning
- Multilayer Perceptron
- Convolutional Neural Network
- Vanila RNN
- Gated Recurrent Unit
- Long Short Term Memory
- Optimization (Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Adaptive Moment Estimation, etc)
- Loss Function (MSELoss, Binary Cross Entorpy, Cross Entropy)
- Computer Vision - Research and Applications
- Image Processing
- Image Classification
- Object Detection
- Popular Computer Vision Architecture
- Natural Language Processing - Research and Applications
- Text Preprocessing (Cleansing, Tokenizing, Stemming, Lemmatizing, Spelling Correction)
- Feature Extraction (Term Frequency, TF-IDF)
- Feature Selection (Chi-Squared, Mutual Infomration)
- Text Representation (Embedding, Word2Vec, Glove, FastText, ELMo)
- Popular NLP Architecture
- Aerial Cactus Identification
- Dog Breed
- Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets
- Rainforest Connection Species Audio Detection