Quick test to see how to share a database between rails and phoenix. (Although to keep sane only one of them should be allowed to make schema chnages)
- postgresql with database
- ruby (i.e. mri 2.3.3)
- elixir (i.e. 1.4)
Intall rails and create some users via rails
cd rb_users
bin/rake db:migrate
bin/rake db:seed
Now there should be 4 users in the database created via rails (including timestamps). Lets setup the phoenix app and see if we can correctly read them.
cd ../ex_users
mix deps.get
mix phoenix.server
curl localhost:4000/api/users
curl localhost:4000/api/users/1
And just like that we should get the user data via phoenix
Only create migrations in one of the two apps if the tables are going to be shared (probably stick with rails as that is less flexible)
For phoenix/ecto models make sure to adapt the timestamps
function inside the schema definition
to mirror the rails/active_record column naming
-> timestamps(inserted_at: :created_at, updated_at: :updated_at)