Companion Source Code for "Notebook C++ - Tips and Tricks with Templates" 3. Edition

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Book cover

Code examples

This repository contains runnable source code examples from the 3. edition of Notebook C++ - Tips and Tricks with Templates, by Andreas Fertig.

The layout of the examples

The examples are separated into different directories based on how they appear in the book.

Running the examples

The examples are in a single .cpp file that can be easily executed in any IDE. There is also an CMakeLists.txt which can generate IDE projects or be used to compile the example in a terminal. This repo contains a top-level CMakeLists.txt, which does build all the examples.

Building the examples

You can select the compiler by setting the CXX environment variable.

mkdir notebookcpp-tips-and-tricks-with-templates
cd notebookcpp-tips-and-tricks-with-templates
git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
cmake --build . -j

After that, you find all the executables in notebookcpp-tips-and-tricks-with-templates/build/bin.

Some examples use the latest C++ standard, so you will need a modern compiler to compile them. The latest stable versions of GCC or Clang are recommended. The code is not tested but is also expected to work with MSVC.


The source code is released under the MIT License.