
Custom Dashboards for Beancount in Fava

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fava Dashboards

Continuous Integration Open in Dev Containers

fava-dashboards allows creating custom dashboards in Fava.

Example dashboards with random data: Overview Assets Income and Expenses Travelling Sankey Projection


pip install git+https://github.com/andreasgerstmayr/fava-dashboards.git

Enable this plugin in Fava by adding the following lines to your ledger:

2010-01-01 custom "fava-extension" "fava_dashboards"


The plugin looks by default for a dashboards.yaml file in the directory of the Beancount ledger (e.g. if you run fava personal.beancount, the dashboards.yaml file should be in the same directory as personal.beancount). The location of the dashboards.yaml configuration file can be customized:

2010-01-01 custom "fava-extension" "fava_dashboards" "{
    'config': '/path/to/dashboards.yaml'

Please take a look at the example dashboards configuration dashboards.yaml, which uses most of the functionality described below.

The configuration file can contain multiple dashboards, and a dashboard contains one or more panels. A panel has a relative width (e.g. 50% for 2 columns, or 33.3% for 3 column layouts) and a absolute height.

The queries field contains one or multiple queries. The Beancount query must be stored in the bql field of the respective query. It can contain Jinja template syntax to access the panel and ledger variables described below (example: use {{ledger.ccy}} to access the first configured operating currency). Note that Jinja will replace some protected HTML characters with escapes. For example, a > inside a Jinja variable will be turned into &gt. This can cause problems because > is a valid Beancount query operator, but &gt is not. To skip replacing protected HTML characters, pass the Jinja safe filter to your variable invokation (for example, {{ panel.foo|safe }}.

The query results can be accessed via panel.queries[i].result, where i is the index of the query in the queries field. Note: Additionally to the Beancount query, Fava's filter bar further filters the available entries of the ledger.

Common code for utility functions can be defined in the dashboards configuration file, either inline in utils.inline or in an external file defined in utils.path.

HTML, echarts and d3-sankey panels: The script field must contain valid JavaScript code. It must return a valid configuration depending on the panel type. The following variables and functions are available:

  • ext: the Fava ExtensionContext
  • ext.api.get("query", {bql: "SELECT ..."}: executes the specified BQL query
  • panel: the current (augmented) panel definition. The results of the BQL queries can be accessed with panel.queries[i].result.
  • ledger.dateFirst: start date of the current date filter, or first transaction date of the ledger
  • ledger.dateLast: end date of the current date filter, or last transaction date of the ledger
  • ledger.filterFirst: start date of the current date filter, or null if no date filter is set
  • ledger.filterLast: end date of the current date filter, or null if no date filter is set
  • ledger.operatingCurrencies: configured operating currencies of the ledger
  • ledger.ccy: shortcut for the first configured operating currency of the ledger
  • ledger.accounts: declared accounts of the ledger
  • ledger.commodities: declared commodities of the ledger
  • helpers.urlFor(url): add current Fava filter parameters to url
  • utils: the return value of the utils code of the dashboard configuration

Jinja2 panels: The template field must contain valid Jinja2 template code. The following variables are available:

  • panel: see above
  • ledger: see above
  • favaledger: a reference to the FavaLedger object

Common Panel Properties

  • title: title of the panel. Default: unset
  • width: width of the panel. Default: 100%
  • height: height of the panel. Default: 400px
  • link: optional link target of the panel header.
  • queries: a list of dicts with a bql attribute.
  • type: panel type. Must be one of html, echarts, d3_sankey or jinja2.

HTML panel

The script code of HTML panels must return valid HTML. The HTML code will be rendered in the panel.

ECharts panel

The script code of Apache ECharts panels must return valid Apache ECharts chart options. Please take a look at the ECharts examples to get familiar with the available chart types and options.

d3-sankey panel

The script code of d3-sankey panels must return valid d3-sankey chart options. Please take a look at the example dashboard configuration dashboards.yaml.

Jinja2 panel

The template field of Jinja2 panels must contain valid Jinja2 template code. The rendered template will be shown in the panel.

View Example Ledger

cd example; fava example.beancount

Why no React/Svelte/X?

The main reason is simplicity. This project is small enough to use plain HTML/CSS/JS and Jinja2 templates only, and doesn't warrant using a modern and ever-changing web development toolchain. Currently it requires only two external dependencies: pyyaml and echarts.


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Thanks to Martin Blais and all contributors of Beancount, Jakob Schnitzer, Dominik Aumayr and all contributors of Fava, and to all contributors of Apache ECharts, D3.js and d3-sankey.