
Statprof magic for profiling inside IPython

Primary LanguagePython


Statprof magic for statistical profiling inside IPython


# On the shell:
git clone https://github.com/andreasjansson/ipython-statprof.git
sudo pip install statprof

# In IPython:
%install_ext ipython-statprof/statprofmagic.py

Now, IPython will tell you that you can use the extension right away by %load_ext statprofmagic. That probably won't work, instead just restart IPython.

The extension has been tested on IPython 0.13 / Python 2.7.


First, load the extension:

%load_ext statprofmagic

Then enable it:


To disable, just type %statprof again.

While statprof is enabled, all input lines will be profiled. To enable statprof for a single line only:

%statprof once

Sample output

In [83]: %load_ext statprofmagic

In [84]: %statprof
Statprof enabled

In [85]: import pickle, random, string; pickle.dumps([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(100000)]);
  %   cumulative      self          
 time    seconds   seconds  name    
 17.72      0.14      0.09  pickle.py:279:save
 16.46      0.08      0.08  pickle.py:277:save
 15.19      0.08      0.08  random.py:274:choice
 10.13      0.51      0.05  <ipython-input-16-739ab051d7f2>:1:<module>
  7.59      0.04      0.04  pickle.py:267:get
  6.33      0.03      0.03  random.py:272:choice
  6.33      0.32      0.03  pickle.py:615:_batch_appends
  5.06      0.03      0.03  pickle.py:616:_batch_appends
  3.80      0.02      0.02  pickle.py:269:save
  3.80      0.02      0.02  pickle.py:272:save
  2.53      0.01      0.01  pickle.py:333:persistent_id
  1.27      0.02      0.01  pickle.py:271:save
  1.27      0.01      0.01  pickle.py:261:get
  1.27      0.01      0.01  pickle.py:278:save
  1.27      0.01      0.01  pickle.py:260:get
  0.00      0.35      0.00  pickle.py:224:dump
  0.00      0.35      0.00  pickle.py:600:save_list
  0.00      0.51      0.00  interactiveshell.py:2746:run_code
  0.00      0.35      0.00  pickle.py:1374:dumps
  0.00      0.51      0.00  ipython2:7:<module>
  0.00      0.51      0.00  interactiveshell.py:586:interact
  0.00      0.51      0.00  interactiveshell.py:2617:run_cell
  0.00      0.51      0.00  interactiveshell.py:467:mainloop
  0.00      0.51      0.00  ipapp.py:389:launch_new_instance
  0.00      0.35      0.00  pickle.py:286:save
  0.00      0.51      0.00  ipapp.py:363:start
  0.00      0.51      0.00  interactiveshell.py:2696:run_ast_nodes
Sample count: 79
Total time: 0.510000 seconds

In [86]: %statprof
Statprof disabled